Page 30 of Tempted

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“I know hormones and autism are not friends, and my brother’s inability to navigate this new normal is just as hard on him as the rest of us.”

Lucy gave Bea a side hug. “You are a good human and have a positive outlook that we would all do well to emulate.”

“We’re all just doing the best we can, and getting frustrated over something he has no control over is not going to do any of us a bit of good.”

“I agree, but that doesn’t mean I can’t be your hype woman while Olivia is out of town.”

“I appreciate it.” She returned the squeeze and shook her head. “I didn’t get any signs that the bump in the road would throw Zane and Olivia completely off course.”

“Given people’s penchant to go the extra mile and torpedo their best chance at happiness, it’s not as surprising as one would think.”

Bea frowned and clucked her tongue in disapproval. “The new arrival does not spell disaster for your budding flirtation.”

“Oh, but it does.” Lucy folded her hands. “I saw what kind of designs Julie has on her childhood friend, and I have no plans to get in the way of them.”

“I’m not surprised since you’re never one to throw down for love.”

“If a man can’t decide between another woman and me, I want no part of him. I have enough challenges with the ones who are gaga for me and don’t need to take on more trouble than I can handle.” She tipped her chin in Jordan’s direction. “Horace has never been quiet for this long; your brother has the magic touch.”

“Not surprising since he’s more comfortable with animals than humans.”

Lucy studied the pair and wondered if the two weren’t a match made in heaven. “Do you think Jordan is up for running the book sale today?”

“Absolutely. He talked about it non-stop last night and told Dad that he would ensure people followed the rules.”

“I love it. Let’s unleash him and the bird on our beloved community and see how many books they can unload.”

Bea snickered. “I would bet my share of trivia loot on my brother’s ability to clear out one of those pods you’ve got out back.”

“That’s not a bet I’m willing to take. Between Jordan’s uncompromising view of how things should go down and Horace’s horrible mouth, we’ve got an unbeatable team.” The bells on the front door clattered, and she turned with dread, expecting to see Linc and Julie sweep through the doors. When she saw Betsy Yarlin stroll in, she couldn’t have been happier. “Hello there, belle of the ball.”

Betsy tucked a blonde lock behind her ear. “Hardly.”

“You had men circling you at the lake run.” Bea took Betsy’s hand and swung it back and forth. “Did you give in and accept some dates?”

“I tried, but Hoyt decided that he suddenly was interested and intercepted all my offers.”

Lucy covered a laugh. “It was both horrible and wonderful to witness. I mean… he trailed you around for most of the day like a puppy praying for scraps.”

“Well, he can keep praying because he’s ignored my interest for far too long.” She played with her necklace. “I have options now and am no longerBesotted Betsy,who trails hopelessly after Hoyt.”

Bea raised her hand. “Amen. You show off that glow-up and don’t settle for scraps.”

“I plan on it.”

“Love wins. Love wins.”

“Finally, the horrible parrot has something worthwhile to say,” Lucy commented.

“I guess it’s just a matter of finding the right one to invest in.”

Bea gave Betsy a high-five. “You are right about that.”

A party trick that Lucy had never quite figured out. And one she didn’t have hope of conquering any time soon since Linc seemed to suffer from a short attention span like so many of the men that crossed her path.

Telling herself she didn’t mind that the tryst had been cut short, she looked out the window and saw Julie’s arm wrapped around Linc as they strolled in the store’s direction. She silently thanked whoever was in charge for making the message clear… Linc Hawker didn’t deserve another minute of her time. No matter what, her hopeful heart was shouting.

Linc watched Lucy set up Jordan’s command central and didn’t know if the artic thaw that surrounded them had any chance of thawing before the end of time. What a difference a day could make. Kicking the ground with his boot, he let out a frustrated groan.

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