Page 70 of Who I Really Am

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Indeed, she grunts. “They’re awful, but at least hardly anyone sees them out here.”

“The locals do, but they’ve lost the battle.”

“Is it like this where you live?”

“Pretty much.”

“I’m sorry.” She looks over, lip curled in guiltily.

“What for?” This timid insecurity doesn’t suit her.

“Insulting your…native terrain?” Her nose crinkles up.

I slip the glasses down my nose and glance over. Is she serious?

“Okay. Never mind. That sounded incredibly stupid once I said it.”

“Yes, it did. You think what you think, Annalise, and in this case, about ninety-nine percent of all people on the planet would agree with you. And regardless, do you really believe I’m that thin-skinned?”

“Sorry.” But this time she immediately rolls her eyes. “I mean,whatever. Never mind me. I’m just in a weird place right now.”

Probably the understatement of the week.

Her phone dings, but she ignores it. A minute later it sounds off again.

“You’re not going to read those?”

“No need. I can pretty much quote them verbatim. Goodness, we’re in the middle of nowhere. Why do I have cell service at all?”

My hands fist around the wheel. “Let me guess: Tripp wants to know where you are and if his wicked ex-partner has whisked you away to his evil lair?”

“Is he texting you, too?”

“I turned off my phone before we left the motel, but until then? A dozen texts since Sunday.”

“I guess since he can’t find either one of us he’s decided we must be together. Is he why you turned your phone off?”

“I have my reasons, but yeah, he’s one of them.”

Because Tripp Walker is a traitor.


Another apology tips my tongue, but I stop myself because Marco is right. I don’t need to apologize for everything all the time. That’s not who I am.

None of this is about my brother. Marco and I met on our own terms, such as they were, separate and apart from him. At some point, Tripp is going to have to deal with that.

Still, I hate that he and Marco are on the outs. They’ve been friends for forever. I wonder…I wonder if Marco is being overly sensitive here. I see the set of his jaw, the tight grip on the steering wheel. I know we haven’t known each other long, but I don’t think an angry, unforgiving person is who he is. Surely, if he’d give a little, the two of them could work this out. Annoying as he is, Tripp is acting out of concern.

I open my mouth to plead my brother’s case but then close it as something dawns. Through all of this, Marco has been nothing but supportive and kind, gone above and beyond. Never, not once, has he questioned my decisions, my judgment, or my character. He has been the singularly least judgmental person I have ever in my life encountered.

He deserves nothing less from me. If he’s at his end with Tripp, I’m sure he has his reasons.

I stare out the window at the sandy ground and stubby green bushes whizzing past us. “At least my parents aren’t after me. I guess he hasn’t told them what’s going on yet.”

“You think he will?”

“Probably, when they get back tomorrow. But even if he doesn’t, it’s only a matter of time. We haven’t seen each other in a few weeks, and they’ll want to tell me about their trip. I’ve kinda been dodging their texts.”

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