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Then again, he might want some time to be alone, to process everything. It wouldn’t hurt me if he did. I’d understand.

I could offer to cook him some kind of dessert. I’d figured out the recipes for a few different things while living alone for all those months, so that wouldn’t be difficult.

Maybe I needed to give him a few choices…

When we made it back to his bedroom, he led me to his bed and collapsed on the mattress with me in his arms.

I realized I didn’t need to ask him what he wanted at all; he was telling me, silently.

We fell asleep together, with a quiet hope that the next day would be better.

When we woke up,Zoran was much more relaxed. He kissed me slowly, then got up with me when I headed to the bathroom.

As I made it back to the bed, he sat me down on the edge of the mattress.

I frowned.

He signed, “We need to talk.”

My heart dropped into my stomach.

Nausea hit me hard.

“No. You do not get to change your mind about us, and all of this.” I gestured between us, and the castle around us. “We’re stuck together, remember? Permanently.”

He blinked.

His forehead wrinkled, and he signed, “Of course we are. Why would you think otherwise? I’m not trying to change my mind about our relationship, Cier.”

My nausea didn’t vanish entirely, though it did let up. “Oh. On Earth, when people say that, it means they’re breaking up. At least, according to every TV show and movie I’ve ever seen.”

His forehead creased further. “Do humans not talk about all sorts of things?”

“No, they do. I don’t know why that’s a thing, but it is,” I said quickly.

“Well, then, I’m sorry. I didn’t intend to scare you.” He sat down next to me, and we both turned a bit so we were facing each other before he signed, “I meant that we need to talk about what you said to Harper yesterday. You told her that you don’t know what I see in you.”


My nausea faded a little. “I don’t, really. I do believe you, though. I know that you want me, and that you’re possessive of me.”

“Good.” He nodded. “But there are so many things I love about you. Things I’ve loved about you since before we were friends—before you even knew that you belonged to me.”

My throat swelled, but this time, there was no nausea involved.

“You’re passionately curious, and full of life. You get this fascination in your eyes and this wrinkle between your brows when you try new things, and learn about fae culture. Even when you experience life’s simplest pleasures, you’re happy. It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen, Cier, and I’ve seen more than most people could dream.”

My eyes flooded with tears. “Well, that’s really sweet.” I wiped at them a little.

“You’re not afraid to offend people when it comes to standing up for those you care about. You defended me to the other females when you could’ve abandoned me to my insanity, and stayed with me even though you had every opportunity to make your own path and go your own way. You’ve been fiercely loyal, even when I kept my distance for what I thought was your own safety. And despite my fae treating you poorly, not deserving an ounce of your compassion, you continued to fight for yourself, to establish a place here where you could belong.”

Tears leaked from my eyes, and I nodded.

He had seen me, and my effort.

He had protected me in every way he knew how, even when it had hurt him to stay away.

“I love you,” he said aloud, his voice low, rough, and beautiful. “I love you, my Cier.”
