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I remembered the way he’d washed my hair in my room, and my lips curved upward.

The man was kind of perfect.

“Come in here,” I whispered, knowing he’d hear me.

He did as I’d said, wearing only a pair of the tight shorts he wore to sleep in.

“Hot damn, you’re pretty,” I remarked.

He chuckled, dragging his eyes up and down my naked figure before he signed, “Not as pretty as you.”

“We’ll have to agree to disagree on that one.” I flashed him a smile. “I was thinking, you should work a little harder at getting me ready to see if I can actually fit you.” Gesturing toward him, I added, “For science, of course.”

“Of course.” He smirked, stepping out of his shorts.

Zoran’s bare chest met my back as he stepped up behind me, and I sighed at the blissful sensation of his body against mine. His hands landed on my hips, and he used the grip to pull me closer. His erection dug into my lower back, his fingers moving slowly over my abdomen and pelvis.

“You’re so hot,” I whispered to him, my eyes closing as I focused on the sensations.

His lips moved down my neck as he slowly moved his hands lower, and lower, until he was touching me exactly where I wanted him.

“Like that?” he growled the words, barely more than a whisper.

“So much,” I moaned back, pressing my ass against the tops of his thighs. He took my weight without a problem, kissing my neck and shoulder as he slid two fingers inside me, working my clit.

My breathing picked up, and so much sooner than I expected, I was crying out with pleasure.

His chest rumbled with satisfaction against my back, and I panted as I reached for his erection.

He bit down a little harder on my shoulder as I stroked him, and a minute later, lost control with a soft snarl into my ear and a tight squeeze on my core.

“Tomorrow, we should have sex,” I whispered to him, as he slowly slid his fingers out of me.

“If you’re ready,” he signed.

“I’ll be ready.” I didn’t even bat an eye at the thought.

There was no world in which I wouldn’t be ready for that.

For him.

…even if I was still struggling to wrap my mind around the wholepermanently mated and never going to be abandoned againthing.

After we gotout of the shower, we curled up in bed together, not a strip of fabric between us. We signed for a few minutes—well, he signed, but made me talk—and then fell asleep fast.

Zoran woke me up with a gentle hand on my face the next morning, and I rubbed sleep out of my eyes as I eased away from the blissful warmth of his bed. It waswaymore comfortable than mine.

“To the beach?” I asked him quietly.

He nodded, and I slipped into the closet to put my dress on. Following me inside, he helped me ease the fabric into place, and then tied it securely for me while I smoothed out the wrinkles that would’ve been there if it was any less fancy than it was.

But the fabric was luxurious and expensive, and it showed.

“Beautiful,” he murmured to me.

I batted my eyelashes at him and drawled, “Thank you.”

He chuckled, pulling me into his arms and kissing me. It was a slow, sexy, intimate kiss. The kind I could definitely get used to.
