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When I got angry, I got ranty. It was a thing. I hated it, but it helped me work through my emotions, honestly.

She snorted. “Both of those options fit into the possessive category.”

“I know, I know. But people always say things about fae men, like, that guard who stabbed me basically said that if Flood really wanted me, it would drive him insane that we weren’t living together. And he did mention that he wants us to do that. But it’s been months since we even really had a conversation before this whole instinct thing happened, you know? So I’m not sure what to think. He doesn’t really react the way the fae guys I know react, right? Like he flipped his lid when I wore something revealing, but—what are you looking at?”

Her eyes were fixed on something over my shoulder.

Before I could turn to figure out what she was looking at, she grabbed my hand and used it to dunk my spoon back into my soup.

Lowering her voice, she said, “Drag out eating long enough for his temper to cool and you’ll have a better chance of getting your way.”

I frowned. “What are you—”

A massive hand landed on my shoulder, squeezing roughly.

The touch immediately relaxed me, and the extra humidity in the air did the same.


If he was awake, he’d probably heard everything I said.

I took a big bite of my soup.


Zoran staredat me with narrowed eyes.

I took yet another bite of my soup, still looking pointedly at the space above his head.

Lya had come up with an excuse and abandoned me to the king shortly after he arrived. I didn’t really blame her; his magic was thick in the air, making it hard to breathe.

He’d taken her seat immediately, and the staring had begun. He hadn’t signed anything to me yet. I didn’t know if that meant he was furious, or not sure what to say.

Maybe both.

I took another bite of soup.

He waited.

“This is nice,” I remarked as I scooped the last tiny bit of liquid from my bowl, then lifted the spoon back to my mouth.

He continued waiting.

I finally stood up, clearing my throat. Zoran took my bowl off the table and carried it back to the vendor I’d gotten it from. He signed something to the man that I couldn’t see. I assumed it was either a“thank you,”or a,“starve my mate next time”.

I hoped for the first, obviously.

Not wanting to sit and wait for him to explode at me or anything, I grabbed my bags of dresses and started back in the direction I’d been walking, so I could see the rest of the vendors.

Zoran snagged my arm before I made it three feet, stepping behind me as he turned me, and taking my bags as he did. When he started walking back toward my house, I didn’t have much of a choice but to walk with him.

Neither of us said or signed a thing as we went.

The air was thick with water, and I started to worry that I’d really pissed him off. He got unpredictable in his anger, though I knew him well enough to know that no matter how furious he was, he would never do anything to hurt me.

I still didn’t want to make him mad, though.

It felt like we’d been walking for hours when we finally reached my house, though I knew it had only been a fraction of that. Zoran led me to the edge of my bed, and then sat me down on it.
