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His lips curved upward, a bit wickedly. I wasn’t sure I liked this new, devious side of Zoran. Then again, Ivy had said he had a sneaky plan to woo me for a while, so maybe it wasn’t new at all. “If you’d like to show someone your breasts and ass, I’m ready at any moment. Anyone else is off-limits to you. Put this dress on, or I’ll put it on you myself.”

I glared at him. “You know how to say please, but apparently, you’re not willing to.”

His eyes gleamed. “Not when it comes to what belongs to me, Cier. And your bare skin belongs to me.”

“Asshole,” I shot back.

“Yes, that’s mine too.” He stepped toward me. “Are you dressing yourself, or will I have the pleasure?”

“If you want me to change, you’re sure as hell going to have to do it yourself.”

I braced myself for him to reach out and grab me. To wrestle me, or manhandle me.

Instead, he scooped me up off the floor and carried me to the bed, where he sat me on the edge.

Some of my tension faded when he wasn’t rough with me, but the rest of it vanished as his hands slid over the curve of my waist, slipping around my back and tugging lightly on the bow.

Any arguments I had died in my throat as the fabric loosened, and Zoran kneeled in front of me.

My eyes went to his, and I found them staring at me, practically burning into my skin.

His hands moved with the fabric, sliding over my shoulders and down my front. My body flushed when he stripped the cloth from them and then palmed my breasts, squeezing my nipples lightly. When he stroked them with his thumbs, I held back a breathy moan.

The man was in no hurry, taking his time as he got to know my tits intimately. My palms met the dark blue blanket over his mattress as I leaned back, bracing myself so I didn’t get too wobbly and fall over.

My fingers dug into the soft material when he leaned his head up to my chest and inhaled deeply between my breasts.

I watched in silent fascination as he slowly took one of my nipples into his mouth, flicking his tongue over the hard tip of it, making love to the damn thing. I was so horny I could literally feel the wetness between my thighs—and considering it waswet, I was pretty sure Zoran could feel it too.

Hell, the way he was currently behaving, he’d probably even tell me it belonged to him.

He dragged his teeth lightly over my nipple, making me moan. I couldn’t fight the noise, but his rumble of approval as he moved to the next nipple made it clear that he didn’t want me quiet.

I guessed that since I was the only person he could hear, he would be hyper-attuned to every noise I made.

And I wasn’t sure whether I should be embarrassed by that or turned on by it.

I decided to go with the second one, for the time being.

My body was throbbing by the time he was done giving my second nipple the same attention he’d given the first, and I was aching for him to touch me. A mental image of him burying his face between my thighs had worked its way into my mind, and shit, I was getting desperate for it.

Slowly, he pulled the crisscrossed fabric away from my abdomen. My body leaned back further toward the mattress as his hand spread over my belly, and he slowly kissed and tongued his way down toward my core.

I itched to know whether he could feel my wetness. My inner nerd demanded I find answers, and I blurted, “Can you feel how much I want you?”

He squeezed my waist twice, where he was gripping my torso.


“Can you smell it too?” I rasped.

Two more hard squeezes.

Fuck, yes.

“Damn,” I breathed.

He gave me a raspy chuckle, sucking lightly on a patch of skin over my pelvis.
