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My stomach roils, and I feel a headache coming on. My forced mating isn’t ideal, but apparently, I don't really have a choice.

I've got a responsibility to my pack.

A duty to fulfill.

Even if it means my chances of having a loving marriage are gone forever.



I've lived my whole life in Southern Oregon. The hills and forests are home. But the dense woods that flash past my window now are completely foreign to me. The trees might be the same, but the forest itself is different here.

At least, it feels different.

Sitting back in my seat, I glance at the chauffeur in the front. He was sent by the elders from the registry to pick me up and drive me to my new home. He hasn't been very talkative, so the majority of our trip has been silent.

For once, I'm grateful for the silence. It's given me a chance to mentally prepare for my new and uncertain future.

Saying goodbye to my parents and my packmates was bittersweet. On the one hand, everyone seemed genuinely happy for me. A representative from the registry had come to visit the day after my birthday party and shared information about Jordan and the Luna Lake wolves.

Their pack is definitely a lot better off than mine. Most of them don't even have to work "regular" jobs. They live, hunt, and play on acreage that they've claimed as their territory. I can't even remember the last time that my entire pack was able to let their wolves out for a moonlit run together.

The car slows and turns off the highway onto a narrow private road. This must be it. The access road for the Luna Lake wolf pack.

The long gravel road weaves between the trees until it eventually comes to a clearing. There's a cozy little cabin with a pair of vehicles parked out front.

As we pull to a stop, a middle-aged man and woman emerge from the cabin. They seem nice enough. The woman is smiling with barely contained excitement. The man is harder to read, but he reminds me of my father in a lot of ways.

My attention is pulled away from them by the clatter of the screen door banging closed for a second time. My breath catches in my throat. That must be Jordan.

My heart starts beating faster as I push open the car door and step out. The cool mountain air fills my lungs as I turn to face the two people who've been waiting for me.

"You must be Caleb." The woman smiles warmly at me and extends her hand. Her smile is genuine. "I'm Diana. And this is my husband, Doug."

I shake her hand, but my gaze keeps straying toward the cabin. Jordan, or rather, the young alpha I assume is Jordan, is still standing near the door, but he's not looking in my direction. Instead, he's leaning against the wall and staring at his phone. Which is a little weird...because last time I checked, I didn't have a signal here.

"I'm sure you're tired from all that traveling," Diana says cheerfully. "Why don't we head inside and get you something to eat? We'll let the alphas handle the unpacking." She winks playfully at her husband while gesturing for me to follow her inside.

I nod and follow her through the front door. Inside, the cabin is cozy and well kept. The walls are lined with shelves filled with knick knacks, and a few framed photographs hang on the walls. One shows a younger version of Diana and Doug, while another depicts a group of people in their mid-teens or early twenties posing at the edge of a river.

I awkwardly circle the living room, looking at everything as I move. After a few minutes, Diana brings me a glass of iced tea.

"I hope that's alright. I wasn't sure what you like to drink," she says as I take a sip of the refreshing liquid.

"It's perfect. Thank you." I give her a pleasant smile, but I feel... I have no words to describe what I’m feeling.

"Out of place?" Diana asks as if reading my thoughts. "I've been where you are, and I know how hard it is to leave behind everything you've ever known. But I promise, we'll do everything we can to make you happy here. You're as good as family now."

"I appreciate that, Diana." This time, her smile warms my chest. She reminds me of my mom. They look nothing alike, but their personalities and mannerisms have the same warmth to them.

My gaze turns toward the front door at the sound of a vehicle pulling away. I guess my ride is heading back to wherever he came from.

I'm here for good now.

My new home.

The front door opens, and Doug peeks inside. "We went ahead and put your things in the back of the truck. Jordan will take you over to your cabin whenever you're ready."
