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The alarm on my phone begins to chime loudly, and I quickly snatch it up to silence it.

"Caleb's expecting me home for lunch," I explain to my dad as I tuck my phone into my pocket. "Do you want to join us?"

"No, I need to get back to the house," Dad says with a quick smile and a nod. "Your mother has decided that she wants to paint the living room. So she's been testing paint swatches all morning. I'm supposed to give her my opinion on them when I get back."

I chuckle at the thought of my father picking out paint colors. He's never been particularly interested in decor.

"Caleb's inspired a whole renaissance in the pack," Dad explains. "Every cabin I visit is undergoing renovations of some kind. Even though there's no official leadership role among the omegas, he's become someone they all seem to look to for inspiration. They're quite fond of him."

My heart warms at the praise my omega is getting.

"That's another reason why we're offering you this position," Dad says as he turns to the door and opens it. "It's just as much for him as it is for you."

I nod in understanding. The mates of the elders become sort of de facto leaders for the omegas of the pack. Yet another reason why I need to discuss this with Caleb before we make any decisions.

"Also...your mother wants me to invite you two over for dinner tonight," Dad glances over his shoulder at me before nodding goodbye and heading out into the gray, spring outdoors.

As I kick off my slippers and change into my boots, I try to parse together everything that my dad just dumped on my lap. Stepping up to an elder position is a huge change and not one to undertake lightly. I gaze toward the cabin where my omega is waiting for me to come home for lunch.

This is going to be an eventful afternoon.



The mid-summer heat is slightly less oppressive on the bank of the creek. There's a nice gentle slope where I'm able to sit with my feet in the water and recline against the embankment.

Diana, Kale, and several other omegas are sitting nearby chatting amiably. Just downstream from us, a few of the children are splashing and playing in the water. A few yards upstream, the construction team is putting the finishing touches on the footbridge that connects one side of the creek to the other. I kept careful track of the water height through the winter, and I'm pretty sure the foot bridge is high enough that it won't get washed out.

It'll be nice to be able to walk to visit the others without taking a long detour.

"How are you doing, dear?" Diana asks as she offers me a glass of iced tea. "You and the little ones doing well?"

"We're just fine," I assure her, rubbing my heavily pregnant belly with a loving smile on my lips. "They seem to have settled down for now."

"That's good," Diana says with a fond smile. "It shouldn't be too long now."

"You think so?"

We're well into the whelping season now. Several other omegas have already delivered their babies, which means mine can't be far behind. I'm nervous and excited beyond words. I know that once they're here, my life will change in ways I can't even imagine, but...with Jordan by my side, I'm sure there's nothing we can't handle.

"Oh, I'm sure of it," Diana assures me. "I've been through more whelping seasons than I can remember. I've helped deliver most of the children in the pack by this point. I've developed a sense for these things."

Having Diana around to help me prepare has been an absolute godsend. I don't know how I would've handled all of this without her. But...there's someone else I wish was here right now.

I glance nervously toward the driveway, but there's still no sign of Jordan.

"He'll be back soon," Diana says, noticing my glance. "Don't worry so much."

I nod and try my best not to focus on the uncertainty.

"Can you help me up?" I ask as I try to sit up a bit. "I need to walk around, my butt's falling asleep."

Diana chuckles and motions to Kale to get his attention. Together, they help me to my feet and support me as we climb the bank toward the clearing.

This place has changed so much over the last several months. We've graveled the driveway so that it won't turn into muddy soup this winter. The path to the front door has been paved with flat stones from the creek, and we planted all around the porch with shade-loving plants and flowers.

Behind the cabin, the rest of the clearing has been taken over by the community garden. Planter beds are carefully spaced across the grassy expanse. Vegetables and herbs of all types have filled the beds with lush green growth as they soak up the summer sun. Pack members busily tend to the beds. Watering plants, pulling weeds, and harvesting vegetables.
