Page 45 of Dark Elf's Ragdoll

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I quickly get dressed before leaving my room. Everything outside is seemingly normal but I can’t afford to let my guard down, not even for a second. I peer at the other guards from afar, hands close to my weapons if they try anything.

I make my way through the hallways and corridors, keeping as far from everyone as I can, even the zagfer. No one here can be trusted. Soon, I reach the doors leading outside of the manor.

I step through them, only to be greeted by the sudden presence of Ihokha. My hands shoot to my sheathe, ready to pull out my dagger as our eyes meet. In them, I see strength and resilience, true qualities of a good leader. Unfortunately for Ihokha, Infnore has been suffering too long under his reign with his brother, and I cannot stop until I see my mission through.

“Come with me,” he orders, standing his ground unphased.

“What for?” I ask cautiously. At the same time, I’m using my advanced hearing to detect any elves that may be coming up behind me.

He takes a step closer to me. If not for the presence of other guards in the vicinity, I would slice his neck open and leave him to choke on his blood. Alas, it’s too much of a risk, I’m still just one elf. Despite my combat skills, the numbers game always wins.

“Fine,” I snarl, returning my hands to my side.

I follow begrudgingly behind him as he leads the way. As I walk, I realize and accept the fact I may be marching to my death. I would rather sacrifice myself right here, right now before I lead him to Gavarn.

If this is the end… Then so be it. My only regret is not being able to see Ellie again.

The walk is filled with tension as I am led to his office. He opens the door and steps inside first, holding it open for me to enter. I walk in, my heart racing as he shuts the door behind me. He trots to a cabinet near his desk, from which he removes a bottle of zhisk and two glasses.

“Can I offer you a drink?” he asks. “This stuff is rare and vintage, tasted only by myself and my brother.”

I narrow my gaze in suspicion.

“Okay,” he chuckles. “If I wanted you dead, it wouldn’t be by way of poison. Let me show you.” He fills a glass and drinks from it, giving me a look that says ‘see?’

“Fine,” I say, coming closer. I knock back my drink in one mouthful.

“So let’s skip the chit-chat and get straight to business,” he says. “You hate my brother, Fohri. Here’s the thing, I hate him just as much, if not more than you do, especially for the way he’s been treating Ellie. You’ve seen that first hand.”

“Where are you going with this?” I ask.

“What I’m getting at is that I understand the rebel cause.”

“You do?” I retort in shock.

“Of course,” he replies. “However, you and everyone else involved are going about it the wrong way.”

“What the fuck are you saying?”

“Well what’s the plan here? Just to have my brother and I killed and hope none of you get caught? Even if that were to succeed, what’s to say a new leader gets elected who ends up being exactly like Fohri, or far worse?”

“That’s not the point,” I snarl. “It’s never been about who is in power, it’s about what that person does while they have the reins. For too long now, your brother and you have plagued the land with your neglect.”

“I never meant for things to get this bad.”

“Tell that to my parents, starved and six feet under as nothing more than bones, all because of the famine you caused!”

Ihokha sighs, looking at me with soft eyes before setting his glass down. “I’m truly sorry about your parents.”

“There’s nothing you can say or do that’ll ever bring them back.”

“I know,” he says. “But there’s something else I can offer you… My assistance to the rebellion.”

What the fuck!

“You wish to help us overthrow you?” I say in confusion.

“Not quite what I had in mind,” he replies. “But I will help you get what you’re ultimately looking for, an Infnore that no longer suffers. Let me explain.”
