Page 35 of Mated to Monsters

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I throw my face to the ceiling, groaning in frustration.

I don’t know the ways of demons. I risked everything to give myself to him. But he may not see it in the same light. Perhaps, it was just a transaction for him, and despite everything we’ve experienced together, he’ll give me to his king when the time comes.

I can’t blame him.

He is a servant to his master, and I know that if I try to reason him out of it, it will only get him in trouble. I don’t want him to be punished for my actions, nor put himself in harm’s way for my sake. I just hope I’ll see my sister again, before I am given away to be bred.

I close my eyes at the thought.

The other demons won’t be so gentle. I can’t hold back a shiver. If I had a choice… but I am not one to be given a choice in Ti’lith. They see me as little more than a vessel for their offspring.

Not Giroth, though.

If our coupling was any indicator, he is a cautious creature, ever vigilant. A singular specimen among his kind. At first, he put a blade to my neck in an effort to master me, but now, the simple memory of his kiss makes me crave his sharp tongue. I haven’t experienced nearly enough of him, and I need more time before duty calls him to surrender me.

It’s all I’m allowed to hope for.

The door creaks on its hinges.

For a brief moment, I think it might be Giroth, and sit up, hardly considering my nudity. But his dark elf servants make an appearance instead, and I gather the blanket over my chest as they enter. With them, they’ve brought a rolling cart with several trays laden upon it.

“Breakfast is served,” one of them says.

As they lay out the spread on the side table, I get a better chance to look at them. They seem bland here, compared to their Protheka counterparts, as if all the color has been washed out of their midnight flesh. And their eyes are dull and don’t wander further than is appropriate. I almost feel bad for them, but I know what they would be if they had their full agency. Monsters, I think, I’d take a chance with any demon over the dark elves.

The tray lids come off to reveal a rich spread, making my mouth water at the sight. “Thank you,” I say out of habit. “It smells wonderful.”

They withdraw as if they know their presence unnerves me, keeping their heads down.

But before they manage to make their exit, I stop them with a word. “Wait,” I say, my voice thin and desperate, but I don’t have the luxury to care. “Where is Giroth?”

“Out,” they say in unison.

My gaze drops to the collars at their necks that burn with chaos magic. I can feel it from here, that subtle crackle of darkness. “Do you know when he’ll be back?”

The taller one shakes their head. I can’t tell if either are male or female due to their unremarkable features, and I remember what Giroth said about them. Neutered. It seems he was speaking the truth. Not that I’d ever doubt him.

“Please,” I say, though I know kindness is unnecessary. “Can you take me to him?”

They glance at one another before the taller one answers. “We have been instructed not to open the door for anyone. Not until the master returns.”

I sink against the headboard in disappointment. “I can’t leave, can I?”

“No, miss,” the other says apologetically. “The master forbade it.”

A mirthless laugh finds me. “Right. Of course.”

“Would you like us to draw you a bath after breakfast?”

I hate how good it sounds, after spending so long despondent in Giroth’s care. But I hesitate to say ‘no’ because I desperately need it. “Yes, please.”

The dark elves bow and make their exit.

They are so well practiced at the skill of being invisible, I almost don’t notice that they leave at all, and turn my attention to the tantalizing spread.

Most of it is unfamiliar, but when I taste it, I can’t get enough.

Just like Giroth, I realize, losing my appetite suddenly and pick at the strange meat and cooked bronze leaves filled with flavor. Soon, the dark elves return with a robe and towels, guiding me to a heated washroom.
