Page 226 of Mated to Monsters

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“I saw, all right. Even warriors need to eat, though, so you better settle in!”

The five of us trail over to the picnic blanket I’d set up earlier, passing around plates and loading them up with the myriad of pastries, fruits, and other goodies we pulled together.

True to Cora’s word, the dripir she’d prepared is delicious. Crispy, fatty slabs are wrapped around sweet, jammy fijus smeared with tangy capra cheese. I hum through the entire meal, and admittedly, go back for two more helpings of Cora’s dripir.

“Glad to see that one was a hit,” she teases around a bite of tizret. I grin through full cheeks, and she wrinkles her nose, laughing and swatting at me. Akos watches with interest as I swallow and take another bite, looking between me and his own untouched helping of the dripir.

Hesitantly, as though afraid the dripir is going to suddenly rematerialize and bite him, he nibbles at the edge of a bite. His yellow eyes go wide, looking between me and Cora as he shoves the entire thing in his mouth.

“‘S goob!” He says excitedly, the food muffling his response. I laugh, glad to see him trying something new– the kid hardly eats more than a handful of favorite foods, and getting him to try anything more adventurous is an uphill battle.

Rej’thorek clearly neglected to make sure he had a proper, varied diet while raising him. I glance at my mate, delighted to find his eyes already on me, a soft smile playing over his lips.

We make quick work of the picnic, and, full and sated, we all seem to release a collective sigh. Companionable silence hangs between us, and I realize yet again just how lucky I am to have our rag-tag family.

I wouldn’t give this up for anything in the world.

“Well, I think that’s our cue,” Giroth says into the silence, pushing up to his feet and extending his hand down for Cora.

“Your cue?” I ask quizzically as Akos gets up with them. Cora smirks at me, looking between Rej’thorek and I.

“Yep,” she confirms, slinging an arm around her mate’s waist. My brows pull down in confusion as I look between the three of them. Rej’thorek climbs to his feet, clasping Giroth’s arm and nodding to my sister.

Clearly, I’m the only one not in the loop.

“Come on, Akos, let’s get a move on,” Cora says, giving Akos a nudge toward the door.

“But where are you going?” I ask, scrambling to my feet to trail them. Akos looks over his shoulder at me, opening his mouth to respond before Rej’thorek elbows him. He hurriedly shuts his mouth again, settling for a grin instead.

“See you later!” He calls as he hurries after Cora and Giroth, his features shimmering and shifting as he disguises himself.

I turn to Rej’thorek, even more confused than I was moments ago, but before I can say anything, his lips crash down on mine. It only takes me a moment to return his kiss, his lips moving over mine emptying my mind of all coherent thought.

He pulls away suddenly, leaving me breathless, and winks down at me.

“Oh, do I have plans for you, my mate.”



“Plans?” Laura echoes suspiciously, narrowing her eyes at me. It’s all I can do not to laugh. Instead, I widen my eyes in mock shock.

“Don’t tell me you forgot what day it is today?”

Laura’s features freeze in panic, and I can practically see her running through all of our birthdays and holidays in her mind, frantic to understand what I’m talking about. This time, I can’t bite back my laughter.

I sweep her into my arms, pressing another searing kiss to her lips.

“It’s the anniversary of when I won you over,” I say softly against her lips. Laura pulls back, amusement dancing in her eyes.

“Well, in my defense, it’s not our actual anniversary!”

“True, but this one’s even more important– and I have everything planned,” I tell her with a grin, carrying her back toward our manor.

“Do I get to know what these plans are?” She hedges, poking me in the chest.

“Absolutely not. That’d ruin the fun.”
