Page 145 of Mated to Monsters

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I storm forward, but before I make it there, all three girls come rushing out, practically climbing over each other to get to me.

“I didn’t know–”

“You should have known–”

“No, I just didn’t think–”

“Well, now she’s upset–”

“At least it wasn’t me–”

“I just wanted to eat something–”

“Hush!” I can’t even keep up with their overlapping sentences, and chaos magic crackles in the air. They actually fall silent. “Now, one of you tell me why Natalie just ran away from me in tears.”

Shockingly, they all stare back at me with blank faces. I turn to Valindra. “What. Happened?” My tone is clipped, and I know she can tell I am in no mood for these games.

“Elincia told her–”

“I thought she knew!” the youngest shrieks behind her.

“I don’t know how she didn’t know,” Tanulia mutters.

“That’s my point. How was I supposed to know that it would be news to–”

“Well, that didn’t give you the right to upset her,” Valindra snaps.

“How are we supposed to know what will upset her!”

“You could pay attention for once in your life to someone–”

“Tanulia!” Valindra shakes her head. “Elincia isn’t trying to be rude.”

“She’s been through a lot!”

“Okay!” I roar, tired of hearing the bickering. This is getting me nowhere, and I don’t know where Natalie is or what has been said. It’s clear I have a lot of damage control to do and listening to these three won’t solve anything. “Go back in the room! I’ll deal with this myself.”

They scurry away, and I storm down the hallway, emerging outside. My eyes scan the area closest to my house, but I don’t see Natalie anywhere. It makes my heart clench with fear, and my magic rises in response.

I need to find her.

My gardens open up into large fields on the side of Galmoleth, the red dirt ominous in the dying light and the black rocks dotting the landscape proving areas of cover where Natalie could be hiding from me.

But they also provide shelter for creatures that could swallow Natalie up if they find her first. My heartbeat thunders, and my magic swirls. My feet leave the ground as I am consumed with the need to find her before anything else does, and a small, electric storm gathers beneath me.

I fly from my house, my gaze panning for any sign of her. I don’t know what was said to send her running away from me, but I will not let anything hurt her. Even if she doesn't want to be around me, I will save her.

She doesn’t understand the dangers out here.

I scour the landscape, searching desperately for Natalie. My magic whips around, illuminating dark patches as night starts to fall. It only increases my worry as I know that these creatures will come out in droves then and Natalie won’t even be able to see them until they have already snared her.

Smaller beasts snap at me as I storm past their nests, and I throw a bolt of energy, lighting them on fire or eviscerating them as I go. My anger is building with my anxiety, and I am starting to lose my grip on myself.

Where is she?

I push myself up higher, trying to get a better vantage point, but the yellow grass is high out here. It probably comes up to her shoulders, and she’ll blend in too well. It makes it harder for me to spot her, and in a fit of fury, I let out a roar of frustration, and unleash a powerful blast on a large rock beneath me.

The magic crackles and lights up the sky as he slams into the rock, cracking straight through its surface. It explodes, sending shards flying everywhere, and a massive black patch has been burned into the grass from my rage.
