Page 17 of Impulse

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Mariah laughed and ran her finger over her lips. “Come on,” she whispered to Sawyer. “We have a plane to meet and a date — or a hundred — to go on.”

She pulled him behind her out of the bathroom. They’d made it several yards, hand in hand, toward the gate when his mom rushed by and then stopped as she recognized them.

“There you two are! You missed everything! We’re all heading to the airport tavern for a drink to celebrate.”

Mariah looked up at Sawyer to see how he was going to play this. He peered down at her and they shared a knowing grin.

“Okay, then,” he said to his mom as he gazed at Mariah. “We’ll join you. Personally, I think the best part is yet to come.”

Jackie looked from her son to Mariah. With a sparkle in her eye, she nodded her understanding before preceding them toward the bar.

Sawyer gave Mariah’s hand a squeeze as they followed his mom.

“Our first official date,” she said.

“Pre-date,” Sawyer corrected. “I’ll try to have you home by sun-up.”

* * *
