Page 73 of Isaac

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“Prove it. Dates only. No sex. We spend time together outside the bedroom, out of this town house.”

“Deal,” he says with less hesitation than I expected. I was certain he would remind me how old he is and that he doesn’t have time for bullshit games.

“You’re serious? No sex with me, no sex with anyone else until I’m ready to tell Lyla?”

“I won’t even fuck my hand,” Isaac says, making me and Brooke both laugh. Damn him. Of course, now I’m thinking about him naked in the shower, jerking off, his tattoos, his muscles all wet and soapy…

Pregnancy hormones aren’t going to make this easy for me. If I’m not throwing up at night, I’m using my vibrator. Nausea or horny are the only two settings I run on lately.

“What about the MC? The violence you didn’t want to expose me to? You kidnapped a teenager!”

“We didn’t hurt him, I swear. And I’ll do everything I can to keep you safe. Hell, I’ll even let you meet all the guys, hang out at the bar, and tell you as much or as little as you want to know about the club. As long as you understand that it comes with risks…”

“I know it does,” I agree. “I can handle it.”

As soon as the words leave my mouth, Isaac walks up to me. His finger under my chin tilts my face up to his as he says, “Then be ready by seven tomorrow night.”

“O-okay,” I agree. He’s serious.

He presses a soft kiss on my temple, a kiss so sweet it doesn’t even attempt to turn me on. Then he takes back his phone from my hand, which I had forgotten about, turns around, and walks out the door Brooke is still holding open. She looks as shocked as I feel.

Once the door is closed and locked again, she says, “No wonder you let him spank you. Jesus. That bossy daddy, big dick energy is hot. How are you gonna date him without jumping on his dick whenever he speaks?”

“I have no idea. But it seemed like the best idea, for him to show me he means it and to avoid him finding out…” I place my hands on my bump.

“Very smart. I hope he doesn’t let you down.”

“Me too,” I agree.

* * *


I’m not sure who was more surprised I agreed to dating without sex – me or Holly.

As soon as I walked in and saw her, I felt like an idiot teenager again. I had no clue what to say, how to apologize, to convince her not to throw me out. I was so scared of fucking up that sex was the last thing on my mind for once when it came to her.

Lyla already hates me since Fulton told her the whole fucking truth about Dockery being her father, so there’s no point in being miserable and alone because I’m worried about what she would say about me and Holly.

I would’ve called and told her right then and there, even if she would’ve sent me to voicemail like all the other times I’ve tried since she went to Georgia. But Holly isn’t ready.

I get it. She doesn’t trust me not to walk away again. So until she’s convinced, I’ll take her on dates. I’ll talk to her. I’ll fall more in love with her. And when we finally do get back in bed together, hell, it’s going to be even better than before because it’ll mean something to both of us. It’ll mean she loves me, pain in the ass and all, too.

Now I just have to figure out where the hell to take Holly tomorrow at seven.

And pray that none of the club shit ever touches her.



Ionly texted Isaac once after he left last night to ask what I should wear on this date he promised. His response wasDress warm, making me think we’ll be outside.

After work, I come home and try to decide what the heck to wear that’s warm but still cute. I end up in black leggings to accommodate my expanding waist, my tall leather boots, and a light blue, baggy sweater.

When I open the door at five minutes to seven, I’m not all that surprised that Isaac is in his usual biker attire, but his hair is pushed back, darker than usual because it’s still damp from his shower. And in his hands is a round, royal blue velvet box.

“Hey,” he says again in the same, uncertain way as last night. “You look gorgeous as always. Somehow, we even coordinated tonight.”
