Page 59 of Isaac

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Putting my gun away, I start back toward the house.

“Isaac,” my mother calls after me. “Think this through before you go in there half-cocked!”

Think this through? The club’s enemy snuck out of my house after he took my daughter’s innocence.

Holly told me she was a virgin. Why of all the men in the world did she pick that son of a bitch?

I’ve had it with her and her piss-poor decisions.

I head straight to her room, throwing the door open and flipping on the lights.

Lyla sits up, eyes squinting at the lights.

“What’s going on? You scared the crap out of me, Dad,” she says as my blood pounds through my veins.

“You’re not going to see that son of a bitch again!”

Her jaw tightens, eyes full of her sister’s stubbornness. “Since I didn’t hear any gunshots, does that mean he’s still alive?”

From the corner of my eye, I see my mother give her a nod. I’m already regretting letting him leave so easily, without a scratch on him. Unless my daughter gave them to him. Doesn’t she get it? He fucking used her tonight, the night her sister, his ex-wife, married someone else because he still carries a goddamn torch for her!

“What were you thinking, Lyla? You’re a good girl! You’ve got a bright future, and that boy is just some outlaw biker.”

“Yeah, well, so are you!”

“He’s also your sister’s ex-husband!”

“You didn’t have a problem with him when he was with Laurel…” My brow furrows because she has no idea. She thinks the best of people and hasn’t figured it out. I hate to be the one who has to break the news to her. “What?” she asks as she stares at me.

“Jesus, baby girl, you don’t get it, do you?”

“Get what?”

A look at my mom, and she gives me a knowing look like she gets it, at least. “Tonight, Laurel married someone else.”

“Yeah. And?”

“And he used you!”

“No, he didn’t,” she instantly responds before I see her ten-mile stare, the wheels turning in her head.

“He used you like-like some kind of payback for her breaking his heart!”

“You’re wrong.”

She looks to my mother as if begging her to tell her I’m full of shit.

“He could’ve let me catch him on purpose, so she’ll find out,” I point out.

“That’s ridiculous!”

“Don’t be naive, Ly. He’s a man, a hurt man who wanted to hurt Laurel back by fucking her little sister on her wedding night!”

I hate that she flinched at the f-word as if she thought they had something special. Just like Holly, she doesn’t get it. Doesn’t get that men are assholes who only want one thing and will screw over good girls to get it.

“You look a helluva lot like your sister, Lyla,” I throw out there. She shakes her head to deny it, but I see her eyes beginning to glisten as she realizes the truth. “It was no coincidence he was in your bed tonight. But it will be the last time. You will never see him again. If he steps foot in this house, I’ll blow his brains out. Do you hear me?”

I’ll kill him for hurting her, for making her think he gave a damn.
