Page 4 of Step-Farmer

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I hate when he spends money on me like that. I know we’re not rich. Not by a long shot. But when it comes to me, Eli sometimes goes overboard, so I make sure to be careful what I ask for because I know, he will turn the world inside out to get it for me.

Today after afternoon chores and going to pick up Marcy, I didn’t have time to pump, so here I am now. Leaking milk as my nipples tingle and Eli growls, fists tight.

“Be back by eleven o’clock,” Eli says as he grinds his teeth together in a terrifying grimace that has Marcy ballin’ it toward the bedroom door.

He’s one of the reasons I don’t have any other friends. Everyone within ten miles of Mumford is terrified of him.

“And take your phone,” he adds in a slow drawl, snapping his tongue across his front teeth as my eyes skitter down to the front of his jeans.

I bite back my gasp as the fullness there sends sweat dripping down my spine and I wonder for a quick, sad second if he has the hots for Marcy.

“Got it.” I reach in my back pocket and hold up the ancient flip phone he relented and let me have in my sophomore year. It’s a wonder it still works, but here in the sticks, even the cell towers are a decade behind in technology.

“She can’t even text on that. Or take pictures.” Marcy chimes in from her safe zone in the hallway.

“She doesn’t need to text or take pictures. She needs to call me if she needs me, and she needs to answer when I call. That’s all she needs to do with that thing.”

“Okay, okay.” Marcy holds up her hands in surrender. “Can we go?”

She wrinkles her forehead and sticks her tongue out at the back of Eli’s head while keeping her eyes pinned on his ass.

I smile at the grumpy man that towers above my barely five-foot one-inch frame. “Everything will be fine.”

I push onto my tip toes and tug at his shoulders. He relents, bending that steel-straight spine of his low enough so I can brush my lips on his cheek, feeling the course texture of his beard.

His body goes rigid as my lips connect to his cheek. He steps back as though he’s been shocked by the cattle fence, then grumbles as I pass by.

“Eleven o’clock. Cell phone on. No bullshit.”

“Bye, Mr. Heartson!” Marcy quips as I toss a smile then blow a kiss over my shoulder, watching Eli reach for the wall on a shudder, his chin falling as he grabs the top of his head and squeezes.



The twenty-foot tall flames flickering into the sky are a mere spark compared to what’s burning inside of me.

Take her.

Take her.

Take her.

The voices inside my head are relentless.

Growing by the day, as I fall to my knees and pray for my obsession to run its course. But I know that’s impossible. She’s always with me. Whether she’s in my presence or not, the voice and the thoughts won’t leave me alone. They beat inside of me like an ancient drum and my dark impulses are becoming harder and harder to resist.

She’s yours. Do what you want.

Get in there. That pussy is ripe for breeding.

She’s eighteen now, claim what is rightfully yours.

I lurk in the treeline like a stalker. I give her a curfew so she will think she has some freedom but that’s an illusion. I’m with her always. If she is not under my roof, I’m not far. Ever watchful.

There is danger around every corner and she will never be harmed.

Not on my watch.

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