Page 11 of Step-Farmer

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But, for now, we need to deal with Marcy.

The fire is still ten feet tall when we get out of our trucks, the music is louder, the crowd is drunker and there’s Marcy. Chatting with a few of the other girls from our class, looking none too frazzled.

Total change from how she sounded on the phone.

She waves at me, then stalls when she catches on that Eli is a few steps behind.

Then, there’s David. Standing off to the side with a few of his crew from the diner. But Eli is completely nonplussed as they all stare his way.

Eli stomps through the wet grass ahead of me and half the heads in the crowd turn, wondering what’s about to happen.

“Oh, shoot,” I mumble as Marcy drops her hand.

“Everything is okay now,” she says as we approach, concern tightening her smile as Eli lets me approach her first, stuffing his hands down in his pockets as I shrug at my friend.

“What the heck, Marcy? We rushed to get you…”

“I’m sorry. You know how David is. He’s a hot head sometimes, but we’re okay now.” Her words don’t match her demeanor and the knot in my stomach tightens.

“Well, we should go anyway,” I say as Eli steps forward, standing just to my left, scanning the crowd.

The sound of Muse starts to pump from the speakers in the back of a pick up and Marcy’s eyes light up.

“One dance? Then we will go. One dance, Mr. Heartson? Pleeeeease?”

Eli growls, his eyes turning to slits as I shrug with a little smile. “I do like this song.”

“Fine. Dance. Then we go.” Eli nods toward where a group is bouncing and dancing by the fire and Marcy grabs my hand and we head that way, leaving Eli standing there like a fish out of water.

He doesn’t care. He stands like a statue as I raise my hands above my head and start to move to the beat. I love to dance, I just don’t usually get the opportunity, but with Eli standing by, somehow my confidence is bolstered and my hips and body take on a new life as he watches with those dark eyes.

With the popping of the fire, the scent of the burning wood, the heat between my legs and in my dripping tits, I become someone new. I gyrate and shimmy. I close my eyes then open them again to see Eli watching every move.

He looks the same but different. There’s a new angle to his jaw. The fire flickers in the mirrors of his dark eyes and even from this distance, his intensity has my heart galloping like a herd of horses across the field.

By mid-song, I’m practically dry humping the air, dancing only for Eli as his eyes rove over me, making the wetness between my legs saturate my panties and that tense ache is nearly unbearable.

The popped button on my shirt shows off the swell of my tits and I bend and shake and wiggle, daring Eli to do something.

Instead, Jimmy Redford stumbles our way, swigging from a bottle of Jim Beam and joining in with Marcy and me, uninvited.

“You got some moves there, four point O.” He chuckles as he nods his head in time with the beat.

That’s been my nickname for years, and honestly I don’t hate it. But I think most of the kids use it because they can’t remember my first name, which is kind of irritating.

“Get lost,” Marcy says as I glance back at Eli who now has his arms at his sides, fists balled. That tingle dances in my nipples again, the pressure in my tits getting painful as Jimmy makes his move.

He throws an arm around my shoulders, pulling me against him as he thrusts his hips forward and back in some foul, drunken version of dirty dancing.

I shove him away but it’s too late. Eli is right there, thumping him on the top of his head with a sledgehammer of a fist, pounding him right into the ground.

“Come on. Dance is over.” Eli grabs my wrist and jerks his head toward Marcy. “You come too.”

Marcy steps in behind me as Eli heads toward David. The rest of his crew scatter but Eli raises a finger toward him, pinning him in place.

“You,” he grunts as he motions to Marcy to catch up. “Stand here. And you.” He jabs his finger into David’s chest as the crowd looks on. “You man up.”

Eli releases my wrist, then slides his enormous hand up my arm and holds the back of my neck, fingers gripping as he lectures David.

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