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"Yes. . . I think you've wooed me, Romeo. Take me home. "

Stefan glanced at me and nodded, pulling his cell phone from his jacket. He typed out a text message before dropping in back in his pocket. We stopped by our table to pick up my clutch and slowly made our way out of the club. By the time we climbed the steps to the street level, the black sedan was waiting for us at the curb. He opened the door for me and I got in, glancing over my shoulder to watch as he walked to the other side of the car to slide in beside me.

"261 W. 28th Street," Stefan said. He pressed a button that raised the tinted partition up between the back seat and the front of the car. When he twisted to face me, his eyes were burning devilishly. His large hand disappeared under the hem of my dress, creeping up the inside of my thigh. My legs instinctively parted for him and he turned, placing one knee down on the floor of the car, angling his body closer to me. Pushing my panties to the side, he slipped two of his long fingers on the outside of my folds, spreading the slickness of my arousal over my clit. A lustful cry fell from my lips as I watched him pleasure me, growing more excited when he thrust his fingers inside of me, curling them upwards as he slid them in and out. His eyes flickered up to meet mine and his lips parted, exposing the tips of his fangs as he watched me writhe. I arched my back, pressing my pussy into the heel of his hand.

He would bring me to the edge of orgasm, only to back off and gently stroke me. This mind-jumbling torture went on for blocks until we pulled up in front of our building. His fingers slipped from inside of me and he adjusted my panties as if he'd never touched them. He placed both of his fingers that were coated with my juices in his mouth, slowly licking them with his tongue.

"We are home, vackra. Come with me. " With a wink, he was out of the car.

On fire for him, I rushed out of the car and took his hand, intertwining my fingers with his as we walked into our building and waited for the elevator.

The doors had barely closed when I lunged at him. Slamming him against the metal wall of the elevator, I showed him that I wanted him with a ferocity that both excited and terrified me. My hands savagely pulled at his tie and my fingers were frantic as they struggled to unbutton his shirt. I grabbed the lapels of his jacket, pulling his face down to mine. My lips collided against his, my tongue forcing its way inside his mouth. His mouth was equally as hungry, his skilled lips taking control. A low, rumbling growl shook his chest as we came to a halt on our floor.

Stefan backed us out into the hallway, our passionate kiss never breaking. He smoothly pushed me against the wall on one side of the hall and I pressed back, knocking him to the other side. He somehow had the presence of mind to find his keys, swiftly opening the door. We stumbled inside, our arms and legs tangled together.

We were a blur as we struggled for dominance in our need to make love. Our hands were in perpetual motion, stripping away the layers of our clothing as we continued our frenzied dance. His suit jacket fell in the living room, my shoes were haphazardly kicked aside in the kitchen. His dress shirt and tie landed in the hallway and my dress ended up in the doorway of our bedroom. Our mouths were relentless as we devoured each other with mindless, drugging kisses that left me shaking, breathless and craving more.

"You told me I suitably wooed you, Josephine. Now I am going to properly fuck you. "

I broke free from his grasp and backed away until I was on the opposite side of the bed, moving faster than I ever had before. Cocking my eyebrow in defiance, I crooked a finger at him, motioning for him to come to me.

Only the city lights from the wall of windows illuminated the room as he swaggered towards me, looking like a sinister angel, fallen to earth to tempt me. The pale muscles in his chest and arms flexed as he unbuckled his belt and pulled it from his pants, dropping it to the floor. His eyes were predatory as he watched me, his fingers twitching in anticipation. I knew if he chose to, he could have me pinned to the bed before I could even react. Stefan was enjoying the chase, like a lion stalking a gazelle.

I heard him flick open the button on his pants and the zipper lower slowly, the fabric rustling as it slipped over his narrow hips. His smile was wicked and sexy as he crawled across the bed towards me, hooking a finger underneath the front of my bra, pulling me to him.

Stefan's eyes drifted to my breasts before lifting his gaze to meet mine. His tongue swiped across his lower lip. "Playing hard to get, vackra?"

"Would you like me to?" I asked saucily. Threading my fingers through his hair, my hands stopped at the nape of his neck. I tugged his head back, exposing the long stretch of his throat to my eyes. He swallowed unevenly and his body tensed beautifully, every muscle contracting. Lowering my lips to his chest, I licked across his collar bones, up the length of his neck to the curve of his jaw. I loosened my grip on his hair and his eyes met mine again, the blue eclipsed by the blackness of his pupils. He smiled wickedly, his fangs fully exposed.

Without another word, his finger snapped the lacy fabric apart. He crawled closer and his tongue flickered out to lazily lick circles around my nipple, causing a shiver to run down my back. He turned his attention to the other, but instead of feeling his tongue, his fangs sank int

o my skin and he swallowed hungrily. My body responded to his bite, arching against him and arousal flooding my panties. When he withdrew his fangs and his arms blurred to grab me, I had no time to respond.

When I saw the smug smirk on his face, I realized much too late that the aggressor had become the prey. Stefan had me pinned to the bed and he moved to straddle me, his long, powerful legs on both sides of my thighs. His fingers started their path at my cheekbone, down my jaw to caress the side of my neck where he could feel my pulse racing from his touch. His heavily hooded eyes watched the vein throb for a moment before he resumed his exploration, outlining the curve of my breast and running his palm over my ribs. My chest heaved in anticipation as his hand dropped lower to ghost against my stomach, casually running a finger over my panties. They were soaked, and when he ripped them from me, I let out a soft cry of surprise.

"Shh. . . " Stefan's voice floated through my thoughts.

He shifted to move between my legs and he stretched over my body, his hard cock pressing against my thigh. He brushed my hair away from my face and kissed me with long, sensuous kisses. When he entered me, he was gentle, his hips erotically rocking against mine. He was making love to me like he was worshiping my heart, my soul and my body. Every kiss he placed upon my lips was languid and reverent.

"Stefan. . . love you. So much. Too much. . . "

He opened his mind to me, and I experienced every emotion and sensation he was feeling as if it were my own. I could feel his lust and it threatened to pull me into the abyss with him. He compared being inside of me to the sweetest torture he had ever known, torn between wanting to pleasure me and possess me. And the love he felt. . . it was like nothing he could equate it to. He felt as though I'd destroyed him, turning everything he knew and understood upside down and inside out.

"It's what I feel for you, Stefan. . . you've ruined me too. "

My hands ran over the tight muscles of his back, exploring every dip and curve as they tensed and relaxed with each of his powerful thrusts. As much as I wanted to have this moment last forever, I knew I wouldn't last much longer. I felt myself begin to tighten around him, clenching his cock. I exploded around him and I seized underneath him, my fingernails raking jagged scratches across his back. I cried out his name, that I loved him and I couldn't live without him. And as I felt his orgasm overtake him, his head collapsed against my chest, letting out a ragged sob. His arms enveloped me, holding me against him as if his very life depended on keeping me captive in his embrace.

"Stefan? What just happened?" I pressed a kiss against his temple. "I'm right here. You can let me go. "

He shook his head stubbornly against my breast. He rolled to his back and pulled me on top of him, his arms still wrapped around me. Wiggling slightly so I could rest my head against his shoulder, I studied his profile. His eyes stared at the ceiling and his handsome face looked troubled, tiny lines deepening around the corners of his eyes.

"It is as I thought. You have shattered me," he whispered. "You have torn me apart and I do not know how survive without you. My heart, my existence is solely in the palm of your beautiful hand. Imagine, living almost 1,000 years on the earth to discover that one woman will be the very death of me. "

Stefan arms went limp and I slipped to the bed. Sitting at his side, I stared down at him. He turned his head to look at me, his blue eyes boring into mine, stormy and terrified. I went to touch his face and his hand blurred to encircle my wrist, ceasing my movement.

Dread crept over my body like ice. "What does that mean? You've broken me too, Stefan. There's no one else for me. "

"It means that my fate is tangled with yours. That if you would die tomorrow, I would seek out a way to end my life. It means that I cherish you above everything else, that I love you desperately," Stefan admitted, sitting up beside of me. "Do you understand? There is no me without you. "
