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Once we’re all seated by the fire, Lizzy asks, “Are you ready for tomorrow night?”

Jax takes in a long breath and exhales slowly. “I’m as ready as I’ll ever be. I’ve gotta say, if it weren’t for your brilliant sister here, I likely wouldn’t even be in this contest.”

Puffing out my chest, I admit, “Hey, I know great talent when I see it. I’ve actually found three of the top thirty acts, thank you very much.”

“Wow, that’s incredible,” Raven cuts in. “I’m so proud of you, Sloane.”

Jax pulls me into his side, squeezing me tight. “So am I.”

“Thanks,” I say, hugging him back, not knowing what to say beyond that.

Jax and I talk about anything and everything under the sun, but we don’t talk about the competition. I know he’s nervous, but I truly think he has a shot. He’s been selected to play later in the evening tomorrow because based on the promo I’ve given him, the execs at the record company think he’ll draw a bigger crowd. Of course, he isn’t privy to this information, as I don’t want to add any unnecessary pressure.

By the time Lanie and Ryan join us for the bonfire, we have music playing on a portable speaker from Lizzy’s phone. The fire is ready to cook hot dogs, and we’re digging into the individual bags of chips and soda I brought for us to enjoy.

Once everyone has eaten, Lanie excitedly shouts over the music, “Hey, everyone, we’ve got another announcement to make! Can you turn the music down for a sec, Liz?”

After everyone settles, she gushes, “Ryan and I have the best news. Go ahead, Ry. Tell them.”

Ryan grins from ear to ear and suddenly, I’m fully invested. He looks happier than a kid on Christmas morning. “Well, it looks like we’ve set a date. After talking with your dad, he’s requested leave for at least two weeks next summer.”

Lanie must think he’s taking too long because she suddenly shouts, “We’re getting married July first!”

All at once, we share our excitement. “That’s fantastic,” Lizzy gushes. Raven and I both say, “Congratulations.”

Lanie looks to each of us and says, “I know you’ll be busy, but we’d really like you to be a part of it.”

“We wouldn’t miss it for the world,” I insist, knowing I speak for the rest of us. Why she would think otherwise is beyond me.

“Who knows…” Ryan draws in a deep breath, then looks to Jax with a wink. “If this guy isn’t too rich and famous, maybe he’ll consider playing for us at our little wedding.”

Shaking his head, Jax guffaws, “Now you’re just being ridiculous. When I’m still around—which I very well should be—I’d be happy to play your song for you.”

With the excitement over, I lean into Jax and watch the flames dance across the fire. We’re sitting on a blanket I brought out, and there’s no place I’d rather be than wrapped up in Jax’s arms.

As my sisters continue discussing wedding plans, I look into Jax’s eyes, tapping his leg for his attention. “I know things will be crazy tomorrow. But I want you to know, I think you’ve got this, and I’ll be rooting for you.”

Leaning in, he kisses me on the lips, and I feel it deep in my belly as I anticipate what’s to come. “I couldn’t have done this without you.”

Today is game day. I’ve been working my ass off for the entire summer, and now it’s time to see if all my careful planning pays off. All the execs from the label are here, as well as the special judges for the competition. I’ve checked and double checked to make sure their needs are met. I’ve run through the lineup with the competitors, and they all know when and where they need to be. I’ve spoken with publicists, managers, parents of minors, and everyone involved, so fingers crossed, everything goes to plan.

The competition is much like many of those you see on TV. Each act was to prepare up to three songs to sing in front of the judges, though they’ll only sing one officially. Their songs have a set time limit and have been approved by the producers to assure nothing goes awry.

I haven’t seen Jax since the bonfire, as he went home to get a good night’s sleep. I’ve been here since six this morning, and I’m part of the all-hands-on-deck team we have staying throughout the day.

Since I live in Seaside full time, and I’m the acting regional talent coordinator, I’ve had more responsibility than the temporary help the label’s brought in to support this event. Tara and the rest of our team have been here all week, ensuring everything goes according to plan.

The first act is due on stage in twenty minutes. Most have checked in but are doing their own thing to stay focused on their performances. Even for midday, the beach is crowded, and the venue itself is fairly full. I can’t imagine what it will be like later tonight. The venue is booked with big-named acts throughout the week, but tonight and Saturday night is designated for the competition. We’re going from thirty acts to five tonight. The pressure is on, and the excitement buzzing around me is palpable.

As I walk through the crowd, I spot Trent Waters, the lead singer for the band Edgewater when he says, “Hey, Sloane, you’re just the girl I’m looking for.”

“What’s up, Trent?” I ask, looking for the rest of his band.

Trent’s the front man for an up-and-coming pop band. He’s twenty-seven, with beautiful blue eyes and a full sleeve tattoo that makes girls go crazy. He’s quite the performer, and the camera loves him. I love working with his band; they’re fun, easygoing, and full of charm. They make my job easy, which I truly appreciate.

“Do you know a place where I can get a phone charger? Mine isn’t working, and I need to stay in contact with the band. I can’t let my phone die—today of all days.”

“Yeah, that would suck,” I agree. Looking around, I point to a tent set up for contestants. “There’s a charging station in there, along with some snacks. I know we have quite a few in there.”
