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“I didn’t know if you were home,” Emily admits.

“There’s this thing called knocking on my door, or I don’t know, looking to see if my truck is in the driveway.”

All I get is a huff of irritation through the phone.

“Was there a point to you calling so early?”

I hear movement on the other end, then a knock at my door. “Come in!” I holler when I realize she’s hung up.

Emily’s got her hair stacked into a messy bun and is wearing a pair of sleep pants and an oversized hoodie. Something must be important if she’s up this early.

Sitting up, I ask, “What’s up?”

She stares at me for the longest time, then she asks, “Do you know you’re trending?”

Nodding, I admit, “Crazy, isn’t it?”

“You could’ve clued me in. Why am I the last to know you’re a freaking rock star?”

Running a hand down my face, I counter, “I wouldn’t go so far as saying that. I’m not a rock star by any means. I’ve simply played a few sets.”

She looks at me as if I’m stupid or something. “Jax… Smashing Waves Records is posting your performance on their website and all social media apps. Do you have some secret life in college that you haven’t made us privy to?”

“Not at all.” I quickly explain how Dad heard me playing one day and challenged me to take my shot, so I went to open mic. I told her how Sloane saw me that first night and got me a regular gig at Pop’s Hops.

“I had no idea people would respond this way to my music.”

Her eyes widen slightly, and she uses her hands to emphasize her thoughts. “Have you seen howbigthat video’s blown up?”

“Again. I wasn’t expecting that. Sloane did it to prove a point last night.”

“What point was she trying to make?” my sister counters.

“She thinks I should join the Seaside Music Festival competition. Can you believe that?”

“The bigger question is, why can’t you? You’re obviously killing it on stage. She’s posted two videos of you and from what I’ve seen, she’s got a point. You’re good.”

“Thanks.” Glancing at the clock, I wonder aloud, “What are you doing up so early?”

“Well… for starters, Mom and Dad are coming home later today, and I need to finish my chores. I also crashed early last night and woke up this morning to see my brother of all people is trending on my FYP. A few of my friends have already reached out to see if it’s really you.”

“Well, it’s me. Try not to make that big of a deal about it. I’m still the same older brother you’ve been living with your entire life. Trends fade. I’m sure I will, too.”

“When exactly are you performing? I’d love to see you in person.”

“I plan to invite Mom and Dad to Pop’s Hops when they return. With the new remodel, there’s an outdoor seating area minors can be in. You’re welcome to come anytime.”

“I think I’ll check it out. By the way, I’m heading out to get some coffee; want me to pick you up anything?” she offers.

“Nah, I’m good. I’m going back to sleep for a bit since I don’t work until later today. I slept for shit last night, and I won’t make it through my shift today if I don’t.”

I haven’t seen Jax since I sprung the competition on him. Between him working nights, his parents back in town, and my schedule looking for more local talent, it just hasn’t worked out. So far, I’ve posted three videos in the past few days that have each skyrocketed further than the last, as far as trending goes.

I knew people would like his music, but even I wasn’t prepared for the level of success he attains. I’ve got about six more videos ready to go and thankfully, tonight, I’ll be able to get footage to make more.

With Jax’s sudden popularity, I’ve managed to invite Raven and Lizzy with ease to Pop’s, and they’re totally in the dark about Ryan’s proposal. We’re meeting after six, and Jax will play from seven until nine-thirty. I’m not exactly sure Ryan’s plan, but I can’t wait to see it unfold. Based on recent social media posts, I’m sure the place will be packed. Apparently, Ryan’s arranged with Joe, to get a reserved table next to the dance floor, so I chose one where we can watch the action. Usually, Joe doesn’t reserve tables, but he’s seen the trending videos and expects a crowd. He also wants to make the night as special for Lanie in any way he can.

To pass the time while I wait for my siblings, I pull out my laptop and finish some work I’d planned to do later tonight. I’m knee deep in my tasks when the hairs on the back of my neck tingle. Glancing around, I spot Jax parking his truck across the street. I can’t help but smile at my traitorous reaction to him. Closing my laptop, so he won’t think I’m a complete workaholic, I watch as he grabs his guitar from the back of his truck and saunters across the street.
