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“Female anatomy for Baby A,” they announced gleefully. This time, the glee was acceptable. I took a moment to rest and enjoy the new little person in my arms. In only about two minutes, contractions squeezed my abdomen, my belly now much smaller than it had been a few minutes ago, but there was still more work to be done.

Baby B was no less painful to push out, but luckily they were at least faster, so fast that I didn’t have time to get a snarky comment out, and Vic had to scramble back into position to catch them. Catch them he did, though, and Baby B was just as perfect, and just as content to be with us as Baby A was. I cried as our doula rested them on my chest.

“This baby has a penis,” she sang joyfully, and it was so unexpected that I burst out laughing. The laughter soon turned to tears as I cradled both my babies, one in each arm. My doula handed Vic a pair of scissors that glinted silver in the low light, and he cut both the babies’ cords, and they were officially brand new little people.

“Congratulations, Daddies. You’ve got two new miracles on your hands.” She was right. These little people I’d spent months of my life making were miracles. They both had eyes like Victor’s and noses like mine, and when Vic and I counted, they both had ten fingers and ten toes.

Vic stroked the soft, damp wisps of their hair. “I couldn’t have dreamed up more perfect babies.”

“You couldn’t have dreamed up a more perfect mate, either.”

“That’s for sure.” He pressed his nose to my cheek and we simply nuzzled each other, exchanging scents and getting lost in the moment while our two new babies enjoyed their first meal, via the milk truck.

I adjusted them both, new little weights that fit perfectly in my arms. “I wonder which they’ll be, goats or lions.”

“It would be hilarious to have two more of you climbing on all the furniture.”

“Two more of you would scratch it all half to death.”

“Touché. Maybe we’ll get one of each. One prince or princess of the jungle, one future king of my bookshelf.”

“Either way it’ll be perfect. Just perfect.”

Victor leaned down and kissed each of our babies, then he kissed me, and all was right with the world.



I had to admit,this was the life. I never, in a billion years, would have thought that I would evenfindmy fated mate, let alone that he’d be a tall, handsome, strong lion with, dare I say it, a fabulous barbed cock. Oh, and did I mention that he was a billionaire? Money wasn’t the most important thing, but I couldn’t lie, having so much of it that I had literally no limits was the way to go.

It meant that not only could my alpha lion and I do whatever we wanted, whenever we wanted, it meant our two precious babies would never want for anything, unlike millions of babies all over the world. As I watched the two of them toddle around on the plush carpet of our study at their A-dad’s feet, I was overwhelmed with gratitude. Both were in their shifted forms. One lion cub and one goat kid. It couldn’t have worked out any better.

My son let out a little bleat and gave his sister a mock head-butt. My daughter swiped at him with her tiny paw, letting out a “meow” that would someday be a roar that shook entire houses, just like her A-Dad.

I walked up beside Vic and wrapped an arm around his waist, tilting my head to rest it on his chest.

He wrapped a muscular arm around my shoulder and held me tight. “Cutest babies in the whole wide world.”

“With our genes, they were bound to be beautiful.”

He chuckled. “I know, right?” I had never felt more safe and at ease. To know that this was my life now? I’d stepped into my fantasy world, and I got to live there permanently.

“Lucky me. I got the be the billionaire alpha’s sassy assistant, and now look where we are.”

“Yup. Living the dream with my perfect mate and family.”

“You better believe it, Boss Lion. It’s you and me, forever.” We sealed it with a kiss.

* * *
