Page 9 of Secret Squirrel

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“So, how about that tour?”

“Sure.” She looked past me to Cash, sharing some kind of look with him. Cash shook his head, laughing under his breath as the woman turned and sauntered off to the front doors. I watched her ass sway as her heeled boots clacked on the floor.

“I’d be careful with that one,” Cash said, standing right behind me. I hadn’t even heard him move.


He chuckled, slapping me on the shoulder. “Have fun.”

I walked out, adjusting my cock as I followed her to the door. I was already hard, just from watching her ass. She was going to be killer on my cock. I pushed the door open over her head and followed her outside.

“So, what am I showing you?”

I shrugged, unsure why I even needed the tour. “Whatever you want to show me…” I waited for her to tell me her name.

She slowly spun toward me, her boots digging into the ground with the motion. Her eyes trailed over my body appreciatively. I could easily see myself taking her home and having my way with her. She seemed the bendable type.

“Rae,” she finally said, giving me her name. “So, you’re a mechanic.”

I nodded, wondering how she knew. “Yep. Ever since I was a kid in my dad’s garage.”

“So, it runs in the blood.”

Again, I nodded. Her eyes trailed over the ink on my skin.

“And you were in the military.”

“Rangers, 75thRegiment.”

“Impressive.” Her eyes lit up at that information, but I wasn’t sure why.

“Are you interested in the military?”

“You could say that.” She spun and started walking away.

Damn, I was going to have to stop watching her walk away. Her ass was too tempting, and those legs…I groaned as I rushed to catch up to her.

“So, you’ve owned the shop in town for how long?”

“Five years. I bought it off the old man who owned it for thirty years before me.”

“I know. He was a terrible businessman.”

“I see you’ve done your homework.”

“I always do my homework. Like you,” she said, turning back to me. “Duke Mason. Thirty-seven years old, divorced,” she stressed. “Married to Carolyn Baxter and had a kid with her, but everyone around town says that the kid belongs to a different man. When you returned home from your last tour, she had taken off with the baby daddy. But you still have dinner with her aunt, the local hairdresser, every Wednesday night.”

My jaw ticked as she listed some of the most private details of my life that I only told people I really knew. Not that it would be hard to find any of that out. It was all public, but most people around town kept shit like that to themselves. They didn’t want to become the next piece of gossip.

“Since then, you’ve buried yourself in work, turning that garage around into a successful business, which is about to get a whole lot more successful if you take Cash up on his offer. Not to mention, you’ll get to fulfill that lifelong dream of buying that muscle car you’ve always wanted and rebuilding it into the beautiful machine it should be.” She cocked her head to the side. “Have I missed anything?”

“You forgot how long my dick is.”

She smirked at me. “Yes, but I figured that was best to find out in a more personal way. Anywho, this is the property. Your building would be over there,” she pointed to the front. “And we plan to build our own homes over there,” she pointed in the opposite direction.

“IfI take him up on his offer.”

“You’d be a fool not to. He’s a great boss.”

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