Page 81 of Secret Squirrel

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I jumped in my chair and spun to face the screen. Zoe was still on, grinning at me as she massaged her breasts. “Do you really have to do that on the big screen? I don’t need to see your tits.”

“I happen to like them,” Red said, stepping up behind her.

“Is everyone standing in that room?”

Red narrowed his eyes at me. “Are you suggesting I would let another man see my wife’s tits?”


“It’s not my fault. When Ash decided to stop breastfeeding, my breasts backed up with milk. It fucking hurts.”

“That’s why you don’t breastfeed,” I pointed out.

“Breastfeeding is completely natural,” Cotton said as he shoved Red out of the picture. Wet nurses have been around since 2000 BC. And a lot of high society women demanded they have a wet nurse. It actually became a well-demanded profession. It wasn’t until the mid-19thcentury the people started bottle feeding, and that was mostly animal milk. And then—”

“Cotton, she doesn’t care about the history of breastfeeding,” Red cut in. “She doesn’t even want kids.”

I shrugged. He wasn’t wrong about that. I wasn’t against it, but why would I give up my kickass life for some snot-nosed kids?

“So, how was the mechanic?” Zoe asked dreamily. “Was he amazing?”

“I’m right here,” Red said, holding his arms out wide.

“He was okay.”

“Okay?” Zoe screeched. “Rae, you can’t lie to me. I saw what he was packing.”

“Again, I’m right here,” Red snapped.

“Shh,” Zoe waved him off. “So, does this mean we’re going to read a story about the two of you?”

I grimaced at the idea. “What does that even mean?”

“You know, like those old romance novels. The Mechanic And The IT Tech,” she said wistfully. “It doesn’t have quite the same ring as something about pirates, but I can’t really picture Duke with an eye patch.”

“I can’t picture me fucking a man with an eye patch.”

“Hey, a man can still be a good lover with one eye,” Red argued. “It doesn’t at all affect his manhood.”

“No one said it did,” Zoe said, patting his cheek.

“But you’re making it sound like losing an eye would be the equivalent of losing his dick.”

She turned to him and sighed. “Baby, what’s this really about? Are you worried I’m not going to want you if your dick gets blown off? I’ve tried to tell IRIS to keep the explosives away from you.”

“No!” he shouted. “I’m worried you’re going to find a man with an eye patch, feel sorry for him, and take him home!”


Red’s face turned…well, red.

“You know, this really isn’t getting me anywhere. I’m going to leave you two to hash this out.”

“Okay, but I want details on that first time!” she shouted. “Did he wear coveralls? Were his hands greasy? Ooh, did he use his monkey wrench on you?”

I cut the feed and leaned back in my chair. Rubbing my eyes, I knew I needed some sleep. I’d been staying late at work to keep from going to Duke. I couldn’t keep up my insane schedule any longer. I grabbed my jacket and slung it around my shoulders. I made my way quickly through the halls, avoiding anyone that was lingering, and slipped out the door to my truck.

Except, when I had to turn for the house, I found myself driving in the opposite direction. I wasn’t sure what changed my mind about going home, but soon enough, I was parking in Duke’s driveway and killing the engine. Hell, I had already slept with him twice, if you considered the first night as one fucking. A third time wouldn’t make much difference.

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