Page 73 of Dr. Harley

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“While you may not feel compassion for her, I’ve watched for years as her looks have actually worked against her. I’ve witnessed firsthand as other students, professors and co-workers degrade her because of her looks. They don’t believe she could possibly be that attractiveandthat smart. They assume she uses those looks to help secure good grades or other opportunities. I’ve observed her for nearly five years now. I can tell you firsthand, without a shadow of a doubt, that she’s earned every grade and every opportunity with hard work and merit.”

She reaches into her bag and pulls out a stack of papers. “I have fifteen sworn affidavits from other professors of Dr. Lawrence attesting to the fact that she was the most gifted student they’ve ever taught, and that they never witnessed one moment of impropriety from her.”

“We’re not here today to discuss her sex life, which I am personally appalled she was put through, but to simply decide whether she received an unearned grade from Dr. Cooper, nullifying her Board certification. I think it’s entirely clear that her grade was earned. It matches every other grade she received throughout the entirety of her time in medical school.”

“Thank you, Dr. Powers.”

She stands and looks at Dr. Griffith and Dr. Goldwater. “I was recently reacquainted with the famous Madeline Albright quote.There’s a special place in hell for women who don’t help other women. You would be remiss not to remember that. We have a highly intelligent, motivated woman right before us. Let’s make sure she’s given the opportunities she’s more than earned.” She delivers the affidavits to the panel members.

“Oh, and I’ve witnessed crude comments and unsavory behavior from Dr. Waters. There’s not a doubt in my mind as to the veracity of Dr. Lawrence’s statements in that regard.”

She turns to walk out of the room, but before she does, she looks at me. “Dr. Lawrence, I assume I’ll see you in my O.R. tomorrow morning.” She leaves and winks at me on the way out. I do my best to stifle my smile.

Dr. Branch stands. “The panel will convene and get back to you with our findings. You should hear from us by tomorrow.” They stand up and leave the room.

Mom has tears in her eyes. “I didn’t know things were so hard for you, Harley. I’m sorry that I wasn’t there for you. I was so caught up my own grief, that I forgot my most important job. Being a mother to my girls. I’m ashamed of myself.”

I hug her. “It’s not your fault, Mom. I never told you anything. I didn’t really tell anyone. I chose to deal with it all on my own.”

Aunt Cass hugs me too. “That’s because your daughter is a certified bad ass, Dare. Toughest chick I know. Always has been.” She gives me a squeeze of support. We’re all a bit of a teary-eyed mess.

* * *


She’s being embraced by her mother and Cassandra. I need to go to her and comfort her. I can’t help myself. I walk over, take her hand and kiss it. She stands and wraps her arms around my body. I hold her as she sobs into my chest.

“It’s going to be okay.” I kiss the top of her head, as I rub my hands up and down her back. Darian is staring at me. I can’t read her expression at all.

I grab Harley’s face with my hands and wipe away her tears with my thumbs. “Baby, you’re going to be okay. If they revoke your medical license, we’ll move to Africa and work there. We’ll be together practicing medicine somewhere, even if it’s not here.” She nods her head.

Just then, the panel reemerges. Dr Branch speaks. “Dr. Lawrence, the panel has already reached a decision. My co-panel members feel very strongly one way, and have indicated that there’s no way they will change their minds. So ultimately, my vote doesn’t matter.” He looks pissed.

“It’s the majority vote of this panel that there was no impropriety with regard to your medical school grades, and therefore you will maintain your medical license. While we do not have any jurisdiction over the hospital, it is recommended that you be reinstated immediately. Let the record also reflect that Dr. Phillip McCrevis submitted a letter on Dr. Lawrence’s behalf, stating that she is an exemplary resident, and he has no doubt as to the merit of her grades.”

“It’s the recommendation of this Board that the actions of Dr. Gregory Waters be investigated. That brings this hearing to a close. Thank you.”

Harley looks up at me in shock. “Did that just happen? This is over?”

I smile at her and nod my head. “It’s over.” I bend down and take her lips in mine. It’s tender at first but gets a bit deeper as our mouths open.

Cassandra nudges us. “Get a room you two.” We break our kiss as we laugh.

Darian and Cassandra hug Harley. The girls all cry again.

Darian and Cassandra offer to take her out to celebrate, but she says she just wants a quiet evening at home with me. I couldn’t agree more. Maybe not so quiet, but we need to get home and celebrate.

* * *

We burstthrough her front door with her legs wrapped around me, and our tongues dancing in each other’s mouths. She pulls her lips away. She’s looking at me in a way I’ve never seen from her before. “Brody, I want you to do everything to me tonight.” She nibbles at my lips. “Anything you want.”

I growl as I rip her blouse open. Buttons scatter all over the floor. I pull her lace bra down and take her nipples in my mouth. She bucks around me. “Oh god, Brody. I want you. Please. I need you.”

We stumble our way into her bedroom. I set her down on her feet. “Get naked, now!” She quickly does as she’s told, while I grab what I need.

She’s now standing in front of me completely exposed. Her eyes shaded with lust. I’ve never been hungrier for anything in my entire life. I tear off my jacket and tie. I walk around her, like I’m stalking my prey. Her body could start wars.

I run my fingers around her as I walk, and revel in her shiver. “Harley, undress me. Slowly.”
