Page 34 of Dr. Harley

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She pinches her eyebrows together. “You will?”

I give her a resigned smile. “I will. But please understand that I need to make some big life decisions based on this.”

I take a breath. “Harley, I don’t want you to hear this from anyone else, but I’m going to hand in my resignation.”

“I told you that wouldn’t change anything.”

“You’re not understanding me. I’m not just resigning from the school. I’m going to resign from the hospital as well.”

“Why would you do that?”

“Because I can’t be anywhere near you and not have you. I’m completely fucked up in the head over you. I couldn’t possibly live in the same town as you and not be with you. I need to leave Philadelphia.”

She looks shocked. We’re both quiet for a few moments as I see it all begin to register with her. I see her getting emotional. “Where will you go? Back to California?”

“I’m going to go there for a bit over the summer for a visit, but no. I’ve been offered an incredible fellowship in Sweden. They’ve been calling for years. I’ve just never considered it until now. They’re running several drug and surgical technique clinicals with patients who suffered the same injury as my mother. It’s really state-of-the-art stuff.”

I run my fingers through my hair. “I need to get out of here. It would be unhealthy for me to stay.”

She has tears silently running down her cheeks. She whispers, “I’m so sorry, Brody.” I can see her shaking.

“I know you are. It’s not your fault.”

I give her a forced smile. “I want to wish you all the luck in the world. You don’t really need it, you’re brilliant, but I still wish it for you. You’re going to be an incredible surgeon.” I shrug my shoulders. “Perhaps our paths will cross again one day.”

The tears are now flowing down her beautiful face. I hand her a tissue, and she takes it. I give her a few moments of silence to compose herself. I know it’s also my last few moments getting to see her face, and I want to hold onto it.

I eventually get up to show her to the door. I offer her a hand to help her stand. I go to escort her toward the door, but she tightens her grip on my hand and pulls me to her.

She slowly runs her hands up my stomach, and then my chest. She moves them behind my neck, as she brings my head down toward hers. Her soft lips take mine in a tender kiss. It’s a goodbye kiss. I close my eyes to commit her taste and smell to memory. I know this is the last time I’ll ever have either. I can feel my own tears dripping down my cheeks, mixing with hers.

I hold her body tight to mine, wishing we could stay like this. She ends the kiss and wipes my tears. She holds my hand over her heart. I can feel it beating a million times per minute. She looks at me in the eyes and whispers one last time, “Bye Brody.”

I know that the sadness I see in her eyes will never leave me. No doubt mine mirror hers.

* * *

It’sthe morning of Dad’s wedding. I had to spend the past few weeks tying up some loose ends at the hospital.

I only arrived yesterday morning, but I met Melanie, and she’s lovely. They’re cute together. I’m thrilled for Dad. It’s a little weird thinking of him married to someone else, but he certainly deserves happiness.

It’s just he and I in the room getting dressed in our tuxedos. He sits down next to me. He places his hand on my shoulder as he looks at me. “What’s wrong, Brody?”

I give him a fake smile. “Nothing, Dad. I’m so happy for you. This is a great day.”

“I know you are. That’s not what I mean. You’re not my happy, good-time son right now. What has you down? Talk to me.”

I’m not surprised that he can see right through me. He always could. “It’s not a big deal. I think I’m nursing a little bit of a broken heart.”

If there was ever a picture to capture a shocked face, it would be Dad’s right this minute.

“I don’t know what to say to that. I’ve never seen you date anyone seriously, let alone seriously enough to have your heart broken. Of course, it’s a big deal. You’re very clearly hurting right now. You obviously care about her. Does she feel the same way as you?”

“Yes, she does.”

“Tell me about her.”

“Today is your day, Dad. We can have this talk another time.”
