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Nick reaches over and finds my hand. Drawing it up to his lips, he places a soft kiss on my palm. “Thank you, little mouse,” he says in his low, gravelly voice that has my insides thrumming.

“For what?” I’m confused again.

“For being stubborn, I think.” He grins briefly, and it’s a sight to behold when his face lights up.

“Time for your reward,” he says casually, apparently continuing his thought from earlier as we pull into the underground garage near the building I used to live in.

Even though I’m with Nick and I know nothing bad will happen, my nerves start to jump as we get in the elevator that leads only to that apartment. When the doors open again, it’s eery being back here. The lights are on and there are takeout containers stacked on the credenza in the hallway. I guess that’s dinner. I start to pick them up to take them inside the apartment, but Nick shakes his head. He unlocks the door with his key and immediately veers left towards my old bedroom. One of his spies must have told him what room I was using.

He flips on the light and pauses slightly at the sight of the completely different decor. But he doesn’t say a word, just stalks over to the walk-in closet and starts flicking through the handful of things on the rack that I left behind. He pauses briefly on a little black dress before continuing. Finally, he pulls a structured sapphire blue silk dress off the rack. “I can still see this one in my dreams,” he mutters before handing it to me. “Go change into this while I get dinner ready. And Candace?” he waits until he has my full attention. “No underwear. Or there will be consequences later.” He smirks again before walking out abruptly and without a backwards glance. I stare down at the dress. It’s a beautiful color and very la-di-da ladies that lunch. Not seductive at all. Then I remember his instructions. No underwear? Any? He wants me to put it on without a bra, too? Well, since he didn’t say and I aim to please… I regard myself holding the dress in the closet mirror and find I have a wicked smile on my face. Nobody else is going to see it so…

The dress slides against my bare skin, the slightly stiff silk reminding me with every motion that there’s nothing else underneath. I swiftly twist my hair up and pinch my cheeks. None of my makeup or jewelry is here. Except… I check the nightstand drawer. My wedding ring is gone, so Nick must have had someone retrieve it when I mentioned it was here. I straighten and shut the drawer. That’s okay — I want him to put it back on my finger when he’s ready — when he knows with all his heart that I’m here for him. I don’t think I’ll have too long to wait. I hope.

There aren’t any shoes to go with this dress, so I pad down the hall barefoot, wondering what I’m about to experience. Nothing too kinky apparently as Nick is standing, waiting for me to sit down so he can push my chair in. The perfect gentleman, as always. I eye him speculatively as I slide into the elaborate armchair at the foot of the table. Out of habit, I place the linen napkin over my lap as Nick makes his way to the opposite end of the long stretch of mahogany.

He uncovers a plate and brings it back — I guess that answers the food question. I don’t recognize the dish, but it’s all encased in flaky pastry, so I’m bound to like it. Nick returns to his seat and a similar plate, although his is piled higher.

“We will re-enact our Sunday evening torture session, but with a very different ending this time, my Candace. So eat. You will need your strength for later.”

That’s all I get. Very elegantly, Nick sections his pastry with his knife and brings them to his mouth with a fork. When I try to imitate that, flakes go everywhere, particularly down my cleavage. I’m eyeing them with misgiving, wondering if I should try to fish them out before they start to itch when I glance up to see Nick watching me. Despite the food he’s eating, he looks very hungry indeed. I spear a messy bite and put it in my mouth.

Truthfully, I’m too full of anticipation to eat. And then the fidgeting takes over. Nick glances down the table at me with amusement. “You’re remarkably quiet tonight, Candace,” he remarks idly before taking a sip from his water glass.

“I’m too busy trying to figure out what you’re thinking, Mr. Savage,” I mutter under my breath, but he must have heard me because his eyes twinkle harder. He pushes back his plate.

“If you’re done eating, then come here.” He waits patiently as I nervously stand and circle the table. This is finally something new in our old routine.

“Are you very wet, Candace? Were you busy down there thinking unladylike thoughts?”

I grin at that, and nod sassily. I watch Nick bite back a smile. “Use your words, Candace,” he admonishes me softly.

“Yes, Mr. Savage,” I answer cheekily.

“Answer the question then, are your thighs wet?” His voice has gone stern.

“Yes, Mr. Savage.”

“Show me,” he orders.

I gape at him. He makes a twirling motion with his finger that I interpret to mean he wants me to lift my skirt. So I do. A broad finger swipes across the soft skin of my inner thigh as soon as it’s revealed. I shiver and I can feel my pussy flooding in anticipation. Nick smirks. He lifts his finger to his nose and gives me a wickedly knowing smile. He reaches for my thigh again, tracing a little design ever closer to my now aching pussy. I gulp, waiting for his next order. It’s not long in coming.


“Unzip my cock,” Nick commands me quietly, his dark eyes holding mine. It startles me awake from the sensation of his hand resting so close to where I crave his touch.

I reach hesitantly for his belt buckle with a raised eyebrow, but he simply waits as I fumble with the buckle and the catch on his trousers. When I finally manage to lower the zipper, his heavy cock is waiting for me, dark ruby at the tip, thick and rising to meet me. My mouth goes dry, unsure of where to go from here.

Nick reaches down and adjusts himself slightly, probably making sure the zipper teeth are well away from his most sensitive flesh, and then he holds out his hand for me. When I slide mine into it, he guides me onto his lap, straddling his thighs, his cock pushing intrusively at the hem of my dress.

“One more thing before I stretch you wide, little mouse. You are only to call me Mr. Savage this evening, understood? If you slip, even once, we’re going to revisit that punishment I should have given you for lying to me in the first place, at this very table.”

“Yes, Mr. Savage,” I say as demurely as I can manage, peeking up at him through my eyelashes. Ha, I knew he liked being the authority figure with all the trimmings. I lower one hand from his shoulder to touch his cock gently and it jumps beneath my touch. “May I ask why, Mr. Savage?” I’m full of tempting the devil tonight, apparently. I lean up to wrap both arms around his neck, letting his length rub harder against my thighs and dress.

Nick’s sardonic gaze says it all, but he answers anyway. “Because I spent a damn year listening to it on your pretty lips, wishing you were where you are right now. Seems fitting somehow. Now lift your skirt.”

I shiver with anticipation. I love that Nick is not leaving room for me to overthink. I’m sure I’ll find it all annoying plenty of times in the future, but at the moment I’m grateful. I lower my hands and inch the tight silk up my thighs until I can feel his cock against my bare skin. My husband is holding onto me by my hips, so I’m in no danger of falling. Except I almost manage to do so when he follows that command with his next instruction. “Now, use both hands and slide the folds of your pretty pussy away from the center.”

I gasp when as soon as I do that his cock is hot against my exposed flesh, the bulbous head already notched and demanding entrance.

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