Page 116 of Savage Wild

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“Baby,” Talon said, cupping my face in his hand, “baby, I’ve got this. I’ve got it. You hear me? And if he’s hurt her, I swear to God, I’ll kill that motherfucker myself.”

“How did this happen?” I asked, fear leaving a metallic taste in my mouth. “She’s my baby.”

Talon growled, “She belongs to you, you belong to me, and I belong to this club. We’ll get her back.”

“But you weren’t supposed to lose her,” I said, dropping my face to my hands.

“I know,” Talon said, standing and pulling me with him.

“How thefuckdid this happen?” Talon asked the room.

Rooster and Stash skidded into the great room, Stash pressing buttons on a remote as he ran.

The big screen came to life, news footage flashing by with vivid images of blood and destruction.

I looked up from the shelter of Talon’s arms. “They attacked the campus?” I asked, eyes wide with horror.

“That’s how they got him,” Gate muttered.

“Never would have gotten the drop on him any other way,” Deuce agreed.

Stash muted the sound, “Cassie’s schedule says they should have been on their way to breakfast. Attack happened on the sidewalk, students everywhere. From what we can see, Tex grabbed Cass and tried to make the building, but they started shooting, tagged him and took her.”

“Was she hurt?” I asked, terrified of what the answer might be.

Stash looked down and then back up at me, “No, Tex stayed between her and the bullets.”

“Fuck!” Gate shouted, throwing his mug at the wall, where it shattered, sending glass and coffee flying.

“Hey, back that up,” Talon said, stepping closer to the big screen, pulling me with him.

Stash pressed buttons and the magic happened.

“See that?” Talon asked, pointing. “Watch what he does.”

Stash replayed the footage again, but all I saw was my baby thrown to the sidewalk, covered in Tex’s blood.

“He passed off the backpack,” Rooster said.

“So?” I asked.

“What’sinthe backpack?” Deuce asked me back.

“Mostly text books and notes. Pens, that kind of thing,” I offered.

Rooster grinned, “But this is Tex we’re dealing with.”

Stash nodded, “And he’s a cagey bastard.”

“What does that even mean?” I asked.

“Tracker,” Talon said, pulling me closer, his nose buried in my hair.

Then Ink stuck his head through the front doors and yelled, “Brick’s here!”

And everybody sprang into motion. Gate and Deuce took off for the door at a run, Tank swept the balls and cues off a pool table, Rooster hit the overhanging lights, and Linda brought liquor and bandages.

Talon pointed at Stash and Rooster, “Find her.”
