Page 7 of Hard To Love

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“They need you,” I reminded him. I could see how torn he was about going. He didn’t want to leave my side.

“Come with me.” His eyes studied my face, like he was searching for answers and was afraid of them.

“I have to work. I have a couple of projects due by Monday, and I want to have the weekend off.”

“Fine. I want you to have the weekend off, too,” he muttered. His body relaxed a little as he skimmed his nose against mine.


“Tonight. Eight. You and me. We already started this, okay? Don’t freak and don’t run, alright?”


“If you run, I will go after you, and I can tell you right now, I won't be happy about wasting even more time having to track you down.”

“When have I ever run away from anything?” I asked him, a frown settled on my brow.

“Never,” he answered. “Just don’t start now,” he growled, and I laughed. Loud and totally inappropriate.

His dark bushy brows relaxed. “Fuck, angel, love when you laugh like that.” I smiled shyly. “Just be ready. Yeah?”

“Okay,” I breathed, and my heart flipped in my chest when he leaned in. My breath caught in my throat.

Was he finally going to kiss me?

In the last moment, his lips touched my cheek. They pressed firmly, and my breath hitched in my throat.

“Soon,” he whispered, like he could read my crazy thoughts. He pulled back and grabbed my hand, intertwining our fingers.

“Soon,” he promised again. His eyes bored into mine before he leaned in again to drop one last kiss to my forehead.

Before I knew it, he was walking down the steps of my patio and toward his truck. I stood there long after he had disappeared, making his way back to work.

August and I were going on a date.

All while I was pregnant with another man’s baby.

Yup. My Thursday morning was nothing like I had expected it to be. Not at all.


Iran my fingers through my still damp hair.

It was time. I’d tried my damnedest to get here sooner, but it was what it was. I glanced at the time on my watch. I was five minutes early, but as I stared at Sandy’s bright green door, I was done waiting. A grin fell over my face as my gaze moved to my own house, and I thought about all the bright-ass paint I’d have to buy one day soon when we built an addition to the house.

Everything that surrounded my girl was as bright and bubbly as her. My days of living surrounded by neutral colors were numbered.

Not that I minded.

Not even a little bit.

Fuck me, I couldn’t wait.

I knocked on the door and waited. My day had been long, but thankfully, between my brothers and our staff, I’d been able to get away a little sooner to get everything set up and take a shower so I wouldn’t smell like horses on our date.

I knocked again and waited.

I was nervous and excited. Sweat covered the palms of my hands, and I rubbed them against the denim of my pants. I waited, and nothing. Not a sound. Worry tickled in the back of my head. My hand reached the knob and turned it. I was surprised and concerned as it turned and Sandy’s front door opened.

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