Page 20 of Locked Promises

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“Yes. I am not going back to the hospital. Levi,” I say tiredly, glancing at him, and he picks me up. “I could have walked. I just really want to go to bed though.”

“Jacob, your sister is exhausted, and really doesn’t have time for an inquisition in the driveway. I’ll take my fiancée home to my apartment if this is an imposition,” Levi growls.

I smirk, because it’s nice to be cared for. I am slowly finding my backbone, but I don’t want to rock the boat until I’m safely behind my marriage to Levi. There are too many people who have control of my life, because of my supposedly shaky mental health.

“I’m sorry, yourwhat?!” Jacob roars. Usually he’d scare the shit out of me. Instead, my smirk grows to a grin.

“Surprise?” I giggle.

“You’re in so much trouble, Little Sinner,” Levi says in my ear. “If she’s staying with you, lead the way. If not, I’ll deal with the consequences of Mother Cross, even though we’re trying to stay under the radar right now.”

My brother scowls, before turning and walking into the house.

“Well, that could have gone better,” I say to Levi as he walks me in.

“Eh, he’s kind of an asshole,” Levi mutters under his breath. “Jacob is your brother though, and he loves you. He just doesn’t know how to express it, Chas.”

“If you could stop talking about me, that would be great!” Jacob says as he stomps through the house.

Speaking louder as Levi slams the door behind us with his foot, I ask, “When did you become such a drama queen, Brother?”

Levi stifles a chuckle as he steps into the living room.

“You’re pretty much the only person who could say that and continue to live,” Jacob says in a scary voice, and my eyes widen. “I need to know what you did, Chastity.”

Levi gently puts me on my feet, though my ribs still pull.

“I am taking back my life. I don’t want to be drugged and institutionalized, beaten and raped, or ignored!” I yell at him. Jacob flinches at my words, but looks otherwise impassive. “I lost my baby again. No one cares. I had to do the unthinkable for anyone to raise a brow that something may be wrong.”

Jacob sighs, but I shake my head. “I am not crazy. I’m traumatized, but I didn’t hallucinate being beaten,” I tell him, raising my shirt so he can see the bruises. I make sure not to flash him, because the last thing I need is for my brother to complain about something else. “I didn’t do this to myself!”

“Chastity, I know,” Jacob says in a pained voice, as his eyes trail over the bandages on my wrists, and the bruises all over my body. “I wish I had known what was happening in that house before. I just wanted to get out, because our parents are toxic. I didn’t know…”

“Then why did you let them take my baby?” I growl. “You didn’t pay any attention when a man twice my age raped me, or when I screamed and begged for someone to listen.”

“Chastity, I couldn’t… I promised Father I wouldn’t interfere with how he raised you, and I know now that was wrong. I thought you rebelled and got knocked up by some teenager. I didn’t believe you because it was too much for me to understand how evil our parents are. I sent Levi to you after I found Kara with the babysitter at the house. I had no idea you were going to be spending the weekend with them,” he says, his eyes begging me to believe him.

Wrapping my arms around my waist, I take a shuddering breath. There’s too many memories threatening to crowd my mind, and it all hurts so damn much.

“Baby, you’re safe here,” Levi whispers, hugging me from behind. “Jacob won’t let anyone hurt you now. His house is safe, I promise.”

“I… How do you know?” I whimper, and Jacob shudders at my words.

“Because I’m not a monster,” he promises. “God, the things you must think of me, Chastity. You’re my little sister, for Christ’s sake.”

“Jacob, you have no idea what the last few years have been like for me. My truths don’t mean anything to anyone, when they’re the words of a slut and a liar,” I explain.

“Don’t talk like that about yourself,” Levi says protectively. “You’re neither of those things. We’ll burn them all to the ground. We just have to be patient.”

Jacob watches me with Levi and frowns. Stiffening, I wonder why.

“You’re gearing up for a fight with me that I have no desire to wage,” Jacob says, shaking his head. “You’re right. Grandmother has been calling me, insisting that you need to be at Hidden Hills Institution again. Chastity, I don’t know how you’re standing right now without losing your mind, after everything you've been through.”

“I am quite sane, thank you,” I whisper automatically. I’ll do anything to stay out of that hell hole, with orderlies whose hands roam, and nurses who are hateful.

“I don’t think that’s what he meant, Baby,” Levi explains.

“Why are you on his side?” I ask. I feel raw from screaming at my brother, and releasing some of the pain I’ve quietly let kill me on the inside every day. Keeping so much inside can’t be healthy, but when no one believes your words, it’s all you can do.
