Page 79 of Julia.

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It’s been toolong since I’ve had a chance to relax, even a little bit. The weight of my gun in my hand, the crisp morning air that caresses my face, invigorating my senses, and the sounds of all the other hunters and their hounds make me reminisce on simpler times. Times when a hunt like this wouldn’t be such a rare thing for me.

These days, it’s rare that I allow myself such leisurely pursuits, caught up in the relentless demands of my father’s company. Well, our company, I guess. But today, I have finally granted myself this reprieve.

The hunting grounds are picturesque, a haven nestled behind the DeVries estate. The rolling hills stretch out before me, adorned with a tapestry of vibrant greenery.

Trees stand tall, their leaves nearly blocking out the sun, creating a stunning backdrop against the clear blue sky. As we get further into the forest, the tranquility is momentarily interrupted by the muffled sounds of conversations and laughter. We should all be quieter, but it’s early in the day, and excitement is still running through the group.

As I take in the scene, a surge of anticipation courses through me. The atmosphere buzzes with palpable energy, a shared enthusiasm among the participants. The air is alive with the mingling scents of damp earth and fallen leaves, adding a touch of earthiness to the crispness of the morning.

This hunt is not just a mere pastime; it is a temporary escape, a chance to shed the weight of my responsibilities and immerse myself in the present moment. It offers a rare opportunity to connect with others, to forge new bonds, and perhaps, in the back of my mind, to catch a glimpse of her.


She wasn’t here when I arrived, to my secret disappointment. Not even in the parlor having tea with the other women when I excused myself to use the restroom before the hunt departed, sneaking a glance into the room. I had heard talk that some of the mothers and sisters of the men hunting would be having their own event, but while I did see a few women, Julia wasn’t one of them.

Oddly enough, I’m now walking next to her brother, who is better company than I probably deserve. Trying to put thoughts of my ex out of my mind, I savor the freedom of just being out here, the fleeting respite from the constant demands that have consumed my days. For now, I am not the heir burdened with expectations; I am simply Sebastian, a man seeking solace and rediscovering the simple pleasures that life has to offer.

In the company of Alex and Jan, indulging in idle chatter about the day’s events, I follow the main group but make no large effort to keep up with them. Today is less about securing a kill, and more about just existing. Although the trophy that the deer will offer wouldn’t be so bad, either.

As the conversations ebb and flow, Alex and I find ourselves left alone amidst the vibrant energy of the hunt. There isn’t any awkwardness between us, surprisingly, and once again I see no reason to rush and catch up with the others.

Still, I know we can’t avoid the subject of his sister forever. We talk about cars, work, and everything else in between, but the inevitability of the subject of Julia hangs above the two of us.

There is a long stretch of silence, and Alex inhales, his jaw working. I can’t stand the anticipation of it any longer.

Before Alex can even utter a word, I take a deep breath and break the silence. “I assume that’s the moment where you are going to tell me I should go back to your sister?”

He raises an eyebrow, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips. “Nope, my sister made me swear not to say a word to you about it.”

A mix of surprise and relief washes over me. I had braced myself for a plea, a desperate attempt to reunite me with Julia. But now, in this unexpected twist, a sliver of hope flickers within me. Perhaps there is still a chance, a glimmer of light in the darkness of our shattered relationship. Julia leaving her brother out of this is such a mature move that I can barely believe it. I had been so prepared to shut him down that I don’t even know what to say now.

“Really?” I blurt out. “I thought…well, I don’t know what I thought. But thanks for keeping as neutral as possible.”

The other man huffs a short laugh. “Don’t thank me quite yet, because I have to tell you my piece. Not because she asked me to, but because I’m her brother. And, Seb, I’d like to think that we could be good friends, and as a friend, I’m going to be brutally honest with you here,” Alex continues, filled with sincerity. “If you really love her, you shouldn’t put your dad’s lack of approval first. That's absurd. This is your one and only life, and Julia might be the one and only woman you ever feel this way about, you know?”

The weight of his words settles upon me, sinking into the depths of my soul. He is right. Love should triumph over all obstacles, including parental disapproval. My heart aches at the thought of surrendering to the barriers that separate Julia and me, barriers that are fueled by my father’s acquiescence to Margaret. At the same time, though, my father is ill, and he has been through so much tragedy in such a small window of time. Hurting him would very likely be the end of me, too.

“He's very frail, Alex,” I respond, a touch of anguish in my voice. “He nearly died of a heart attack, all because I wanted to stand my ground about all of this mess with your sister. How can I possibly risk hurting him like that again?”

Alex’s eyes meet mine, his gaze unwavering. “He should be happy for you that you found a woman you love, though. Not the opposite. Do you really think he had a heart attack because his son had found a love match, or do you think there could be something more to it?”

We’ve all but come to a complete stop, the rest of the hunting party, including Jan, gone in the distance. Catching up with them will be a pain, but I’m glad this is a private conversation. I’m not sure that there is a single other person I could tolerate talking about this with besides Alex. He is in a unique position to be able to understand everything going on between me and his sister, but also able to keep an open mind about it since it doesn’t directly influence him.

“I just don’t know, Alex,” I sigh. “Your mother was talking to him before the heart attack, you know. She asked him to back off Julia and for whatever reason, he decided to side with her.”

Alex grunts, shouldering his rifle as we meander in the direction that everyone else was going. “You need to be thinking more critically about that interaction, then. Why would your father side with my mother over his own son? Especially when the two of you are all each other has in the world it seems like. Everything suggests that he would want you to marry, settle down, and start producing heirs to carry on the family line since you’re his only son left, you know?”

A surge of frustration courses through my veins. A markedly unpleasant idea dawns on me—could my father’s actions not be motivated by genuine concern, but rather by self-preservation? Margaret’s manipulation has clouded his judgment, that much is clear, but there is no way a simple chat between the two of them would have convinced him to tear down the potential of my relationship with Julia so completely.

I shake my head, running a hand through my hair in frustration. “What am I missing here? What could Margaret possibly know that would weaken my father’s resolve so much? He may be frail, but his mind is sharp and he’s never been one to back down.”

Stopping dead in his tracks, Alex puts his hand on my shoulder and turns me to face him. “Julia and I…we know the reason.”

My eyes widen in surprise. “You do?”

He nods, his expression somber yet resolute. “But it’s up to your dad to tell you. Believe me, your dad is just doing this to protect his ass, not because he’s too frail to handle a wedding. Seb, my mother…well, she’s my mom, and I love her. But she is a snake. A shark, even, and she smells blood in the water when it comes to your dad and she’s not going to let this go.”

The truth hangs heavy in the air, a bittersweet revelation. I am torn between anger and understanding, between the desire to confront my father and the need to shield him from further pain. My love for Julia intertwines with the complexity of family dynamics, leaving me caught in a web of conflicting emotions.

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