Page 53 of Julia.

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“I get it. Go easy on yourself, though. You lost your family, too.” He raises his wrist to look at his watch, and inhales sharply. “Hey, it’s almost time for the press conference. Are you ready?”

No, I think,I’m far from ready, but what choice do I have?

I stand, straighten my suit, and square my shoulders. “As ready as I’ll ever be. Let’s go.”

* * *

Karl and I arrive at the auditorium, where the press conference is already in full swing. All the employees of the company are gathered here, and as I scan the crowd, I feel a jolt of nerves as I realize just how many people are watching.

But I can't let that show. I take a deep breath and step up to the podium where the microphone is pinned on, the bright flashes of the cameras momentarily blinding me as I address the crowd.

“I want to thank you all for being here today,” I say, my voice steady despite the churning in my stomach. “As you all know, my father was the heart and soul of this company. My family built it from the ground up, and I'm honored to be taking over as CEO.”

The audience responds with a murmur of agreement, and I feel a small surge of pride at their positive reception. This is what my dad would have wanted. For the company he loved to continue to thrive, no matter what.

“My dad will be stepping down as CEO, but he’ll still be here as the chairman,” I continue. “And I promise you all that we’ll continue to innovate, to grow, and to make him proud.”

As I speak, I can feel my family’s presence all around me. Memories of them flood my mind, and I take a moment to steady myself before continuing.

The crowd listens intently as I field a few questions from the audience, doing my best to answer them, even as my mind is filled with thoughts of my loss, especially my mother. How proud she would have been of me, how hard it will be to care for my father without her, how much I miss her already.

Despite my nerves, I feel a sense of purpose growing within me as I speak. I know that I have a lot to live up to, but I'm determined to honor my father’s legacy by leading this company to even greater heights.

I look around constantly throughout the conference, looking for my dad, hoping that as the new chairman, he will at least attend the meeting. But he is nowhere to be found, and it gives me a shiver of nervousness. I hope he’s okay.

As the press conference comes to a close, the employees file out of the auditorium, leaving Karl and me alone in the room. The sense of responsibility weighs heavily on me, and I know that the real work is just beginning. I have big shoes to fill, but if everything goes to plan, Dad will be at my side for a long time yet to guide and support me.

We make our way to my old office, where I intend to work until the changeover is complete. Hell, if Dad wants to keep his office even as chairman, I don’t care. As long as he’s here with me. While we walk, Karl puts a hand on my shoulder, and I turn to him.

“Sebastian, if you ever need anything, anything at all, you know where to find me,” he says, a look of genuine concern on his face.

I nod, feeling grateful for his support. “Thanks, Karl. That was a lot, wasn’t it?”

He chuckles. “Yeah, it really was, but you handled it way better than anyone else I know could have. Do you need anything else from me right now before we finally get started on our actual jobs?”

“I don’t think so. Just…can you let me know if…when Dad gets here? I expected him at the press conference, but he wasn’t there.”

“Absolutely. Hey, and good luck on your first day, boss.”

Despite how miserable I feel, I laugh. “I’ll try.”

* * *

I take my lunch with some of the company directors, and while I’m not the only one that notices my dad’s continued absence, I do well enough that I think they are all impressed and relieved to find me nearly as capable as my father. We’re walking through the office building, just chatting, when suddenly, my assistant catches up to me, her heels clicking sharply on the polished marble floor.

“Sebastian, there’s a woman named Margaret who would like to speak with you,” she says, her voice low and sympathetic, eyes darting around to the other men that are with me as if she isn’t sure if she’s interrupting or not.

My head immediately begins to pound at the thought of Margaret. She’s never been fond of me, but over the last few days, I’ve put some pieces together that cast in her the darkest light possible. There’s evil, and then there is Margaret. And I want to marry her daughter, so it isn’t like I can avoid her.

“Of course. Please show her to my office,” I tell my assistant steadily, watching as she departs.

I take the time to shake hands with the directors and wish them well, but my mind is elsewhere. I knew this meeting with Margaret was coming sooner rather than later, but I thought I would have more time to formulate my plan of attack. Convincing her to let me marry Julia is going to be a nearly-impossible uphill battle, and I need all the advantages I can get. She’s clever, catching me off guard at my weakest like this, but I make a promise to myself not to let her get the best of me.

When I reach my office, I see Margaret waiting for me there, standing with her hands clasped behind her back and examining one of the pieces of art with a critical eye. She turns as I approach, and I can see the sharp expression on her face. I greet her with a polite smile, but her response is dripping with sarcasm.

“I figured since you wanted to meet me, that I would make your life a bit easier and show up at your office. I hope you don’t mind.” Her smile is saccharine and completely fake.

“Of course not,” I respond, waving a hand to one of the plush chairs across from my desk. “Please, have a seat.”

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