Page 44 of Julia.

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“This is actually pretty fun. I might have to take up shooting again.” I hear someone say, and mutters of agreement from around the range.

“I agree. And thanks for the refresher course, Sebastian and Karl,” Ralph says, his expression lighthearted. “I’m very impressed by the care you have taken to make this an accessible opportunity for all of your clients, not just the experienced hunters. I will definitely be talking about this for weeks when we get home, much to my wife’s chagrin, I’m sure.”

His praise makes my chest swell with pride, and I’m sure it does the same for Karl, too. This is exactly what my father wanted from this trip. “No problem at all. Just glad to help out. And who knows, maybe we'll have some fresh venison for dinner tomorrow.”

As we continue shooting, I feel my nerves about the trip overall melt away. There’s something about the concentration required for shooting that always manages to calm me down. I watch as the other men take aim, and I can tell that they're all enjoying themselves equally. These men are probably similar to Dad; always cooped up at work, forgetting to have moments like these that make life worth living. We might have to make this hunting excursion a yearly thing.

Karl and I exchange some banter as we move from one station to the next, giving individual pointers where they are needed, and I can't help but feel grateful for his company. He’s the perfect hunting partner, skilled and knowledgeable, but also easy to get along with. I can see why Dad likes him.

As the afternoon wears on, the sun begins to dip lower in the sky. We finish up our session and make our way back to the house, feeling confident and ready for the hunt tomorrow.


Dinner is served in the grand dining room, at a long mahogany table surrounded by plush chairs. Uncle Leopold tells us the table is made from wood harvested from the forest on his property, and regales us with stories about how the woods are simply brimming with red deer ripe for the hunting. Everyone’s good moods cast a warm glow over the room, and the scent of roasted beef fills the air as the dishes come out. My father is in his element, laughing and joking with our guests, all of which are eager to start the hunt tomorrow.

Karl is a little starry-eyed now that we’re back from the range, and I think the grandeur of the whole ordeal must be getting to him. From what my father has said, Karl comes from a modest upbringing, so something like this must be a lot for him to swallow. I take pity on him and pull him into my conversation with my father, for which he seems grateful. We discuss the plans for tomorrow’s hunt, the excitement palpable in the room.

It’s an easy, affable gathering…but as I sip my wine, my thoughts keep returning to Julia. I wonder what she’s doing right now, if she’s missing me like I'm missing her.

As the meal wears on, my father and Uncle Leopold are in deep conversation, discussing the best hunting grounds on the estate. Karl is practically bouncing in his seat with anticipation, and I can’t help but grin at his enthusiasm.

While the first course is served, I can’t help but feel a pang of longing for Julia. The tender beef melts in my mouth, but my mind is elsewhere. I wish she were here, and imagine her as my lovely dinner companion. Even better is the fantasy I indulge in of her greeting me with a sultry smile as I return from the hunt tomorrow, leading me by the hand to the showers to wash off the sweat of the day…

“So, Sebastian,” Uncle Leopold says, turning to me with a twinkle in his eye and snapping me out of my reverie. “Are you ready for tomorrow?”

I nod eagerly. “Absolutely. It’s been too long since I've been able to take some time off and enjoy the great outdoors.”

My father chuckles. “Yes, it’s been all work and no play for us lately. I’m looking forward to this trip as well.”

Karl chimes in, his eyes shining. “I can’t thank you enough for including me in this, Mr. Van den Bosch. It’s truly an honor to be here.”

My father smiles warmly at him. “Nonsense, Karl. You’re practically part of the family. Besides, this hunting trip wouldn’t have even come to fruition if it wouldn’t have been for you. It was your idea, after all.”

As the meal goes on, the conversation flows easily between us. Uncle Leopold regales us with tales of past hunting trips, and Karl shares stories of his time moving up as a salesman in our company. My mind keeps wandering back to Julia, but I force myself to stay present and enjoy the company of those around me.

After dessert is cleared away and coffee is served, my father and his brother excuse themselves to discuss final preparations for the hunt as everyone else filters back to their rooms. I’m craving some fresh air and peace before bed, so I pull a server aside and ask for a cigar and port to be delivered out to the terrace, and make my way there to enjoy the evening air.

I thought Karl had gone with my father and uncle, but as I clip the cigar and light it, taking a few puffs and blowing them into the air above me, I hear the terrace door opening and the younger man walks out to join me. There is a second of annoyance at not being able to even have a short moment alone, but Karl has been a good companion today. I can cut him some slack. He pauses in the doorway, seeing me, unsure whether he should go back inside or come all the way out.

“Hey, Karl,” I say, gesturing for him to stay a moment longer.

He nods and takes a seat across from me on one of the padded outdoor chairs, sighing and folding his hands behind his head. “What a day, huh? I can’t believe it’s gone so well thus far.”

“Agreed. Things have a way of spiraling out of control when there are this many moving parts, but we’ve done well.” I slide a glance over at him. “Thanks to you, in no small part.”

He grins appreciatively. “I just wanted to thank you again for not only listening to my idea, but inviting me along. This is the opportunity of a lifetime for me. I never thought I'd be hunting on a private estate like this.”

I nod, taking a sip of my port. “Well, I’m glad you’re enjoying it. And if you need anything, don’t hesitate to ask.”

Karl nods, his expression serious. “I mean it, Sebastian. Your family has been so good to me over my time at the company. I owe you all quite a bit.”

I wave off his gratitude. “Don’t be silly. You’re a valued member of our team, Karl. We’re lucky to have you.”

He bows his head slightly, humbled. “Thanks. That means a lot to me.”

Even as we chat, my mind keeps shifting from the here and now and back to Julia. I know I shouldn’t be thinking of her like this, not when I’m supposed to be enjoying this hunting trip with my dad and our guests. But the sinking feeling in my stomach tells me that I won't be able to resist her for much longer. It’s almost like a physical ache in my chest, and I can’t wait to see her again.

I notice a glimmering golden ring on Karl’s finger, the first time I’ve seen it. “Are you married, Karl?” I ask him, my curiosity piqued.

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