Page 37 of Julia.

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Once he’s done, I ask, “My dad told me that you just got a home for your mom. I suppose she’s quite happy about that?”

“Yes, she is.” Karl’s expression, full of love for his mother, is genuine, and it warms up my heart. “The place she was living in was terrible and very humid. I’m really grateful for the opportunity your father has given me. I didn’t grow up with any father around so I really appreciate all the mentorship he’s given me.”

Just temper your expectations, I think, but don’t say out loud. He’s not the best role model for marriage, at least.

“I’m happy to hear that, Karl,” I say out loud, measuring my words. “You can count on us for anything you need. Consider us your second family.”

Karl stands as I leave the office, shaking my hand, his eyes suspiciously bright as he thanks me again. I’m still not completely sold on the hunting trip, but it looks like I’m going no matter what, so I might as well get used to the idea.

Once I’m alone in my own office, I pick up the phone and dial Julia. I hate the fact that I’m going to be gone for any amount of time just as she and I are exploring the connection we have, but there’s nothing to be done about it.

She answers at the second ring, her voice soft and melodic. “Hey, stranger. I was wondering when you were going to call.”

“Sorry,” I respond apologetically, feeling even worse. “I’ve had a lot going on.”

“Mmhm, like golfing with my brother?”

I pause. “Oh. I didn’t think he told you about that.”

“Alex is not a very good liar, at least when he’s lying to me. But I think it’s cute…my brother and the guy I’m dating meeting up to hang out.”

I roll my eyes at her sarcasm. “It wasn’t a hangout, Julia. Not exactly.”

“Well, whatever,” she huffs. “Did you need something?”

“Yes, actually,” I lean back in my chair, dreading what I’m about to tell her. “When can I see you again? I’m going on a hunting trip to Hungary in four days, and I really want to see you before I leave.”

She’s quiet for a moment, long enough for me to feel my heartbeat steadily rising in anticipation. “This is awfully sudden.”

“You’re telling me. My dad just told me, and I was as thrown off as you are. I wish I didn’t have to go, but….work, you know?”

“I get it,” she sighs, pausing for a moment as she considers me. “I’m home now, if you want to stop by after work. I’ve got a lot of classwork for the next few days, so I can’t say how much spare time I will have after this evening.”

I hesitate. Being alone with her in her apartment is a temptation that I’m not sure I should test myself with. We haven’t spent too much time together, but I want her an insane amount, in every sense of the word, and I don’t exactly want to test my restraint having her all to myself in private. Plus, I wanted to talk to Margaret before anything goes any further between Julia and I, and she’s just nineteen…

I shake my head hard, dispelling any doubts. Julia is a damned adult, living in her own flat, and she invited me over. Just because Margaret is crazy…and potentially dangerous, doesn’t mean that I can’t see Julia. She wants me there, so I will go.

“Okay,” I agree, and Julia makes a happy noise on the other end of the line. “I’ll see you in a few hours.”

“I can’t wait!” she chirps, and her joy is a balm on my stressed soul.

“Me either.”



Julia buzzesme in right away, but I’m already starting to feel a sense of trepidation about being here. It’s a sort of sinking feeling in my stomach, the kind that someone feels when something they want desperately is right at their fingertips, but the act of taking it would only end in ruin.

That’s how I feel about being alone with Julia. I want her, God do I want her, and I honestly think she wants me just as much. Therein lies the problem, though. If she shows me even an ounce of resistance or insecurity, then I know I will be able to stop easily, but if she gives in to me, lets me touch her and kiss her…I know I will be lost.

I’m not even going to be gone all that long, so why are all these feelings shooting through me like this? Why does this feel so much like goodbye?

Beautiful Julia is dressed in a soft, comfortable dress, and her hair piled on top of her head in a messy bun, but when she smiles at me she rivals any silver screen starlet. Casual, or dressed up, Julia gets my heart pumping, there’s no denying it.

“It’s so nice to see you,” she tells me, coming in for an embrace, allowing me to take in the sweet smell of her hair before she pulls back. “I can’t believe you’re leaving all of a sudden. Are you excited, at least?”

I shut the door behind me as I walk into her apartment. “I guess. I feel like it’s just been sprung on me out of nowhere, and technically, that’s the truth, but I think it will be good for Dad to get out of the office, even if it is still related to work.”

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