Page 35 of Julia.

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“Yeah, I know of it,” I admit, not sure why it’s even relevant.

Alex crosses his arms, and I see that he’s full to bursting with anxious energy. It gives me pause, because nothing that we’ve talked about thus far has given him any reason to feel this way. I watch his expression closely as he begins to speak, and I pay closer attention than I have all morning. Whatever he’s about to tell me is important, and I think it’s information that’s going to be brand new to me.

“What you don’t know is that I haven’t heard from my father for a long time.” Alex shoves his hands in his pockets and looks up at the sky while he speaks. “Mom found out he was having an affair, and they fought, and fought, and fought…then the divorce. After that, Dad was just gone.” Alex laughs, but there is no humor in it, just pain. “Supposedly, according to the media and my mother, he left the Netherlands out of shame to live with his lover or whatever. But if that was the case, why has he never called? And why won’t my mom tell me where he is?”

A cold finger drags itself down my spine. “What are you trying to say?”

He fixes me with that deep blue stare. “I’m not going to spell it out for you, man, because I think you know what I’m saying. I’m sure people have told you things like ‘Margaret is dangerous’ or ‘Margaret isn’t one to be messed with’, right? I think you understand what I’m getting at. I haven’t spoken to my father since he…left.”

Goosebumps come over me and I shiver, a tiny seed of fear burying itself in my chest. Is he really insinuating that Margaret did something to permanently get rid of her ex-husband who humiliated her publicly and broke her heart?

“That’s…that’s heavy,” I say finally, not sure how else to express how insane everything he’s just told me is.

“There are rumors, of course, but no one knows that our father hasn’t contacted…or been able to contact us…since the divorce. So I need you to know that everything I’ve just told you is a secret, and you need to pretend to know nothing about it from here on out. If I learn that you’ve been telling people what I just said, then I don’t care if God himself comes out of the sky and tells me that you and my sister are soulmates, I’ll still make sure you never see her again.”

I nod once. “I understand. Clearly that’s a family matter anyway and none of my business…” I struggle to find anything to say, wanting to laugh hysterically as Alex suggests we continue playing the game. After a few more hits, I can’t help but blurt out. “What the fuck, man. I’m still trying to wrap my head around everything. You really think your mom–?”

Alex takes a deep breath, hiding whatever emotion he must be feeling. “All that I know is that I’ve underestimated my mother my whole life, and I can confidently say that I have no idea of what she is really capable of. She scares me, and I hate that. My own mother scares me.” He blows out a long breath. “So if you ever needed a reason to just walk away from Julia, this is it. I don’t think anyone wants to get tangled up in our family after everything with Dad. Julia will understand.”

I pause with the putter in my hands, and stand up straight. “I never said I was done with her.”

“Are you seriously saying that after everything I’ve just said, you’re still interested in dating my sister? I mean, as of right now, you are my Mom’s main antagonist in her life. It’s not exactly a good place to be, Sebastian.”

“I don’t care about that, to be frank. I know you’re going to say it’s impossible, just like everyone else has, but I really have feelings for Julia, and rumors be damned, I still plan on meeting your mother and talking to her about it. I’m keen to ask Margaret for Julia’s hand, and even if she refuses, I’m still going to propose down the road. But I have to try and do it the right way.”

Alex looks like he can’t believe the words I’m saying, shaking his head in disbelief. “You barely know her. You have met her, what, like three times?”

I smirk at him, and he frowns. I don’t hold it against Alex that he doesn’t believe me when I say I’m serious about his sister…hell, it still shocks me to admit it to myself…but it makes complete sense that he wouldn’t understand right away. He’s just trying to protect Julia, and I respect him for that immensely. But it still won’t stop me from pursuing the woman that I know is the one for me.

“I knew the day that I met her that she was the one. I can’t really explain it, but it just feels obvious to me. And I think it’s that way for her, too.” I smile, remembering the jolt that had gone through me seeing her for the first time in my family library. “You can be sure I will take good care of her for the rest of our lives if she’ll have me. It’s as simple as that.”

He narrows his eyes, crossing his arms, and looks like he’s deep in thought. Finally he mutters, “Fuck…Okay, you know what? It still makes zero sense, but I believe you. Your heart is in the right place, at least.”

“Thanks, Alex. You don’t have to go to war for us or anything, but it’s at least good to know that Julia’s entire family doesn’t hate me at least,” I fess up with a chuckle. “Maybe I can win you all over one at a time.”

“Ha. Well, good luck with Mom, anyway.” He pats me on the back, looks around at the green, and we both realize at the same time that we have no idea what hole we are on. “You just want to call this game and be done with it? Because I do.”

“Hell yes. This was some deep talking for a golf game,” I tell him, despite my laugh.

Alex and I gather our things and he drives us in the cart back to the main building. My mind is swimming with thoughts about the crazy things Alex has just told me, but I’m comforted by his approval of Julia and I. At least I’m leaving on a positive note.

In the parking lot, Alex extends his hand and we shake once more. “We should go hunting some time,” he suggests. “I’ve heard you’re a good hunter.”

“I’d like that.” The invitation makes me smile and I realize how much in common we might actually have. “Thanks for this, Alex. I appreciate it. It certainly couldn’t have been easy.”

“It wasn’t,” he admits, his expression just as light. “You know, I sort of wish that I didn’t actually like you as much as I do, because now I really do have to try and convince Mom to accept you and my sister. It’s going to be a shit-show.”

“And I appreciate that, too.”

“You better,” Alex scoffs and then chuckles. “See you around.”


I drive back to my apartment to change for work, and make it just in time for the meeting my father has scheduled for us. Yet another damn meeting…they seem to never end. I’m just tightening my tie as I walk into Dad’s office, but stop short when I see the chair across from his desk already occupied by Karl.

“Should I come back later?” I ask him, slightly taken aback. Karl turns quickly to look at me but my dad just shakes his head.

“No, son. We’re about finished here, anyway.”

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