Page 87 of Dan.

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“Elise,” his tone sharpens with interest. “Surely you haven’t tired of Dan so soon and want me by your side instead?”

“It’s not like that…” I tell him reluctantly, wishing that he hadn’t just jumped to conclusions. “I was actually hoping that you could help mesavethe wedding… we’re dealing with some heavy stuff over here.”

“Like what?” he asks, curious.

“So, when we got back from Capri, Roxanne was immediately arrested. I’m sure you’ve seen in the news that she’s going to be prosecuted for criminal drug charges, which we all know is bogus. What isn’t common knowledge…” I pause, knowing that if I tell Johan everything, then there is no going back. It will change the way he views my family forever, but there is no help for it. I need his assistance, even if it damages my mother and father’s reputation in his eyes. “Is that the dancer who confessed to everything told the prosecutor that Karl—the man that works at our company and recently had the scandal with the 18-year-old escort—paid her off, and all signs lead back to Dad being the one to provide Karl with the idea and the funds to do so.”

“Woah…” Johan sounds thunderstruck. “So your dad..?”

“Is going to some extreme lengths to make this wedding not happen, yes,” I exhale slowly, keeping my voice low to avoid any kind of eavesdropping. “And that’s why I need your help. I just found out that the prosecutor went to law school with my mom, and considering that it makes no sense to charge Roxie now that the dancer confessed to being paid off, we’re all thinking that the prosecutor is doing it as some weird favor for someone in my family.”

“Do you think your mother asked her old friend to do this? If so, I don’t think even the Pope himself could help you convince her to call everything off,” Johan points out.

“I agree, but I don’t think Mom has it in her to cause her own son that kind of pain, even if she doesn’t approve of his decision to marry Roxie. Plus, when we were in Capri, I talked to her and she seemed closer than ever to come to the wedding with or without Dad, so I really think she’s on the edge enough that the two of us could change her mind.” I let my words settle for a moment, and when Johan doesn’t say anything for a minute, I add, “Please, Johan. Spend the weekend at my family estate. Not for me, but for Andries and Roxanne.”

“Why do you think that my presence will make such a difference?” he asks.

“Because my mother really respects you and likes you quite a lot. She doesn’t hold many people in high esteem, but you are one of the rare few that she does. Plus, it’s a simple fact that the chances of me convincing her are higher if there are two of us, and not just one. The more people we have putting pressure on her, the better. It will show her that her dirty secret isn't as secret as she thinks.”

Johan thinks it over, humming in thought, before he finally agrees. “What I wouldn't do for you… Ah, alright, Elise. Confirm the details and send them to me when you can, and I will make room in my schedule to be there this weekend.” He takes a deep breath before saying, “But don’t think explaining all of this means that I’m not still going to focus on the chemistry between us when I am at your family home. There is so much left unsaid between us two.”

I roll my eyes, wondering if I should tell him that Dan and I are officially together now, but decide to refrain, on the off chance that he changes his mind if he has that information. A cloud of worry hovers over me, knowing that I am now lying by omission to both DanandJohan, but it’s a very small necessary evil. Dan made it seem like I needed to convince my mother by any means necessary, and well… this is one of my means, and in my opinion, the best choice I have at hand right now.

“Johan, this is a friendly visit, just with the added task of smoothing the way for your new best friend Andries’ wedding,” I try to tease him a little at the end, and get a reluctant chuckle for it. “Plus, there is someone else who I know is going to be over the moon to see you.”

I can hear the frown in his voice as he responds. “Huh? Who do you mean?”

The image of Hannah, willowy and lovely, standing in front of her drawers of treasures and asking me if she has a chance with Johan flashes in my mind's eye, but I don’t dare tell him all of that––not when he still believes that he’s interested in me. Plus, Hannah is much too young for Johan, and her interest might make him uncomfortable, so I need to make sure to make it sound totally platonic.

“Hannah. Her collection of bits and baubles has grown quite a bit since you were last over. At least I assume so, since I didn’t even know about it before you told me, but she certainly has a lot of things.”

“Oh! Well, I will look forward to perusing Ms. Hannah’s collection when I arrive,” Johan says politely. “But not nearly as much as I look forward to our time together, El.”

“Uh-huh, sure,” I tell him noncommittally, feeling more uncomfortable about keeping secrets from him and Dan. “I will send you all the information after I talk to my mother, okay?” Then, I lick my lips, deciding carefully what to say next without making him think anything romantic is possible between us. “I really do appreciate you being there for me in my brother and I’s time of need. This is going to be a big help, Johan. Thank you.”

“Like I said,” he rumbles, “Anything for you, Elise. I’ll see you soon.”

“See you,” I respond weakly before hanging up the phone. As soon as the line is dead, I have a bad feeling about this plan, but it’s too late now. The wheels are set into motion, and there’s no stopping them. Once the uneasiness passes, relief washes over me at how easy it was to convince Johan to help. With Johan’s help, maybe I can make this right and we can clear Roxanne’s name.

Now, for the next step in my plan. I pick up the phone once more and dial my mother’s number.

“Hey Mom,” I say when she answers. “I was wondering if Johan could come over this weekend.”

“Well hello to you too, daughter!” she huffs, taken off guard. “This is all a little last minute, don’t you think? I was under the impression that it would be in a few weeks, before Johan had time to come and visit, and now you’re saying he wants to stay for the whole weekend in just a few days?”

“I invited him,” I confess slyly. “It was spur of the moment, but he and I were talking, and it came up that he had no plans this weekend, so I just extended the invitation without thinking to ask you first. But I’m sure it’s fine… right?”

“You two were just talking?” she says in disbelief. “I thought you and Dan–”

“Mom!” I hiss, cutting her off while still trying to remain quiet enough that no one else in the office overhears me. “Johan and I are just friends, and friends talk! That’s all.”

“Hmm,” she hums. “It’s all very sudden, but I suppose we have plenty of room for Johan if he truly wants to visit us this soon.” Then, her tone changes to weary. “Goodness knows that we could use a distraction from all the doom and gloom around here.”

I consider asking Mom about coming to the wedding, or even her prosecutor friend, right here and now, but resist the urge, biting my lip to keep the words from spilling out. I don’t want to show my hand just yet and have her become suspicious of Johan’s visit.

“I know, Mom,” I say simply, instead. “It will be fun to have him over. I’ll let him know that you approve. So, I’ll see you soon! Love you!”

“Love you too, El. It will be good to have you home for a few days, too.” She sighs. “The house has felt very empty and loveless lately, so I’m ready for something different. Have a good evening, my love.”

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