Page 71 of Dan.

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Arrivingat our grand family estate, I feel a sense of familiarity wash over me. The Van den Bosch estate, surrounded by lush gardens and pristine landscaping, holds a special place in my heart despite the tensions rising between my father, my brother, and even myself. It still feels nice to be back where I grew up.

Inside, the windows are large, and they allow the last rays of sunshine to flood into the interior, illuminating the elegant furnishings and decor in gold hues. Dad and Mom are waiting for me, and they both embrace me one after the other as I arrive. It feels almost awkward with how much my relationship with Dad has felt like a business relationship lately, but Mom’s hug is warm and full of affection, and I sink into it happily.

Hannah, the third oldest of the family, comes over, all tall and willowy, with her arms crossed and one hip cocked out. I hug her, too, but she seems distracted by the desire to ask me something.

“Is it true that Johan was in Capri with you?” she blurts out as soon as there is a natural lull in the conversation.

I’m slightly taken aback by her unexpected question, but answer it nevertheless. “Yes, he was. Sort of a last minute addition, but he stayed with us a few days.”

Hannah’s eyes are bright, and I swear I see her vibrate with excitement, but only briefly. “That must have been nice,” she says, trying to sound neutral, but I know her well enough to know when something is of interest to my sister. Her excitement about Johan strikes me as odd, but I tuck that thought away to go over later.

“Speaking of Johan, he told me that you have a box of random things that you find and collect and that you showed it to him a couple of years ago. Is that true?”

Her eyes go wide as saucers, but she nods. “Yes! I can’t believe he remembered that.” She presses her hands to her cheeks. “I found a lot of interesting things in Lake Como, do you want to see them?”

I almost say yes, genuinely interested in my sister’s collection, but then Dad clears his throat, and I’m reminded of why I am really here for. “Later, Hannah. I’ve got a few things I need to talk to Dad about first.”

“Okay,” she chirps. “Just come and find me when you’re done.”

As my father and I walk around the garden of our family estate, we catch up about our recent holidays. The gardens are lush and filled with vibrant colors. Roses of different hues adorn the pathways, their sweet fragrance filling the air. With the sun setting, the change in the sunlight from bright to golden only adds to the tranquility of the place.

“So Lake Como was a success?”

Dad shrugs, his hands in his pockets as we walk. “Yes and no. The sightseeing was good, of course, but your mother is still clearly struggling with all the nonsense regarding your brother and this sham of an engagement, and Hannah… well, Hannah is always out there with her head in the clouds. You know, teenagers. It’s hard to tell if she enjoyed herself or not. The other kiddos seemed to like their time there though.” He pauses, looking down at me. “And Capri?”

“There was so much to see,” I tell him honestly. “We were there for a while and I still feel like there were things I didn’t get to experience or visit. It really is almost unbelievably beautiful, though.” I smile softly, thinking back to the memories I made over the past week. “I get why people call it paradise.”

“What about your brother?” he presses, and my smile falls just as fast. Of course, Dad is only worried about what Andries is doing.

“He had a great time,” I lie. “Maybe a little distracted, but he spent a lot of time with Dan, so I didn’t see him all that much.”

“Hmm,” he mumbles as he studies my gaze with narrowed eyes. “You didn’t notice if he was bothered by all the things going on with Bar Rouge?”

I grit my teeth, annoyed. “Maybe a little.”

“That surprises me. I thought it would ruin his vacation.”

As we stroll through the gardens, taking in the sights and sounds of nature, I decide just to cut to the chase, since Dad is so determined to talk about Andries and Roxanne anyway. “Dad, did you know that Roxanne got arrested upon arrival and was taken into custody?”

My father looks at me, his expression unreadable. “Yes, I did know,” he finally admits. “I have been helping the prosecutor in her investigation against Bar Rouge.”

I’m so taken aback by this revelation, and how easily he gave it to me that I stop in my tracks for a moment. Does Dad still see me as an ally? “Really? Why didn't you tell me earlier?” I ask, my voice filled with confusion.

“Why would I? It wasn’t much, honestly. The manager for the cabaret wouldn’t give up any information about the employee’s previous employment, but I used my connections to discover that some of them used to be Roxanne’s escorts, so they might still work directly under her command.” He sounds so nonchalant about the whole thing that it’s hard to wrap my head around.

Dad must notice my silence, because he suggests, “Let’s have a seat, Elise. I’m still tired from the return flight.”

We find one of the stone benches that ring the area of the garden around the centerpiece fountain, the sound of the tinkling water pleasant and relaxing. I’m too twisted up to relax, despite the ambiance, and I can’t let the subject of Roxanne and Bar Rogue go. It’s eating away at me like a disease.

“Don’t you think it’s strange that a dancer would do something so controversial onstage?” I ask. “It’s almost like she was paid by someone that hates Roxanne to do it.”

Dad slides a look at me, and then laughs sardonically, slapping his hands on his knees. “Elise, I didn’t have anything to do with that. I already told you that. Must we rehash this?”

“Are you sure you’re not involved?” I press. “It just all seems too convenient, and everyone knows you hate the idea of them getting married.”

He exhales, annoyed. “I give you my word, I didn’t pay that dancer. Is that good enough for you?”

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