Page 65 of Dan.

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Just like we all expected, the group of law enforcement officers makes their way towards Roxanne and Roxanne only. They surround her, their expressions somber, and the stern-looking woman steps forward and reads out the charges. Her voice is firm as she does so, her group of officers making a ring around us so she doesn’t try to escape. She gives no indication that that’s her plan, though, just stands next to Andries with a stubborn––if nervous––look on her lovely face. She steps closer to Andries, and he takes her hand in his, linking their fingers together in the one loving exchange I’ve seen between the two of them in days. It’s like he’s offering her comfort in her time of need, but I don’t think that a handhold would be nearly enough for me. Roxanne is stronger than me in some ways, I guess.

Then, before any of us can ask any questions, Roxanne is arrested and everyone else is in disbelief. The police take her into custody and escort her to a waiting police car, the sirens wailing as they take her away to be interrogated. The woman with short-brown hair exchanges a few words with my brother and nods once before she makes her way to her own car, and follows the rest of the caravan back to the station.

I’m in shock, my mind struggling to process what just happened. The image of Roxanne being taken away in handcuffs… the sound of the sirens fading into the distance…the feeling of shock that grips me is overwhelming.

Lili is inconsolable, Robin tries to comfort her with his hands on her shoulders. Oddly, though, Andries is still watching where the police cars disappeared, his arms crossed and his spine rigid.

I turn to Dan, heart in my throat. “What's going on? Should we call her lawyer?”

But before Dan can respond, my brother speaks up, cutting his hand through the air with finality. “Her lawyer is already on the way. We knew this would happen.”

I stare at Andries, my mind racing with questions. “What do you mean you knew this would happen? Why didn’t you tell us?”

But Andries doesn't respond, and I'm left feeling more confused and worried than ever before. My brother is so stoic, almost cold, even after seeing the woman he loves arrested in front of him. I think back to all the whiskey he drank on the plane, and then it hits me… he was drinking so he could keep his cool while his wife-to-be was put in cuffs.

Poor Andries. Poor Roxanne.

Dan looks at Andries with a mix of confusion and concern. “How can you remain so calm after seeing your fiancée be taken into custody? We should all go to the police station, meet her lawyer there, and make sure Roxanne is safe.”

Everyone agrees with Dan––Lili especially, who locks onto this idea immediately. After everyone begins to insist, Andries finally agrees to put in a call to Roxanne’s lawyer. He’s clearly annoyed by everyone getting into his business, but what did he expect when we just watched her get taken away in cuffs?

Her lawyer doesn’t sound thrilled, but he swears to send Andries the address, but only Andries himself can come. Lili starts to wail at this, but Robin shushes her so Andries can finish the call.

Once he hangs up he looks around at all of us, expression blank. “There. See? You guys can’t come. Just go home.”

The implication of Andries being the only one who is allowed to go to the police station and meet the lawyer adds to the sense of unease that has been building inside me since Roxanne's arrest. I can’t shake off the feeling that something is not right and that there’s more to this story than meets the eye. As we wait for Andries to receive the address, I wonder what the future holds for Roxanne and for all of us. The thought of leaving her alone in this situation makes me feel horrible, and it’s impossible not to worry about her well-being. I try to push the thoughts away, but they linger in the back of my mind.

Once the address comes in, we all throw caution to the wind, even though it clearly annoys Andries, disregarding the need for proper protocol, and set off towards the police bureau in our respective cars. Three vehicles are waiting for us, one for Andries, another for Lili and Robin, and a third for Dan and me. The cars are sleek and black, uncomfortably similar to the one Roxanne was taken away in. With her gone, we offer Andries a ride with us so he doesn’t have to be alone, but he ignores us, getting into his own vehicle without a word.

As soon as we enter the station, a middle-aged man––most likely Roxanne’s lawyer––approaches Andries and greets him, looking at the rest of us with irritation. “I thought I made it clear that only my client’s fiancé was to come,” he says, looking at my brother first, then at us all, his voice laced with annoyance. “Ms. Feng will be fine, she's just going to be interrogated.”

Ignoring the first part of his statement, my brother steps forward and asks what everyone is thinking. “Is she going to stay in jail until trial?”

The lawyer sighs and shakes his head. “There's no way Ms. Feng will stay in jail,” he delivers the news, sounding quite sure of himself. “She’s not part of the cabaret’s management team and we have plenty of testimonials who confirmed she knew nothing about the drug trafficking. I don’t even think she’d have been arrested today if she hadn’t been in Capri this whole time. Law enforcement was afraid she was on the run or would never come in for an interrogation if they didn’t arrest her I believe, so once they see that she’s cooperative, she’ll be let go.”

But despite the lawyer's reassurances, I still worry about Roxanne. I can see the stress etched on her face as they put the handcuffs on her in my mind as clear as day, and it makes my stomach clench with stress. I can’t even imagine how she’s feeling.

After spending so many months all but hating her, it strikes me now how strange it is that I’m feeling so much empathy toward this woman. I’m not just worried about how my brother feels right now––even if that is a big concern of mine––I’m genuinely worried about Roxanne herself too, thinking back to eating sorbet and her holding my hand outside of the Blue Grotto. I think… I think we might be able to be friends in the future. I want her to be okay. I want her and my brother’s relationship to be okay too.

As the lawyer insists that we should all go home and only Andries can stay, I feel a wave of emotions crashing over me out of nowhere. I start thinking about my own father, and the thought of him being in a similar position to Roxanne sends shivers down my spine. Sterile and foreboding, the police station is not a place I could imagine Dad being taken to, let alone poor Mom coming here to try and get him free. All the stress and turmoil that my mother would have to endure… the idea of it makes me feel ill. If Andries goes ahead and does that interview, the judgment of it will be inescapable for Dad. It feels like a heavy burden on my shoulders, and it’s impossible to shake off the feeling of dread.

But as I ruminate on it, I remind myself that this is the right thing to do. My father could have chosen to love his son for who he is, but he didn't. He chose to be cruel and vindictive, and I won't let him and Karl get away with it. It's a difficult decision, but I know that it's the right one, even if it means facing the wrath of my father and his disapproval… maybe even losing my job and my place as the future CEO of Van den Bosch industries. But I guess it's time to stand up for what is right, even if it means standing alone.

Except, I’m not alone, am I? Glancing over at Dan, my nerves settle some.No, not alone at all.

As Lili and Robin leave to give moral support to Yao, who is no doubt beside herself at what is happening with her daughter, Dan turns to me and says, “I have to head to my parents’ place. I promised them I’d be there for lunch. Do you want me to call you a cab since we came here in the same car?”

Thinking about being alone right now feels terrible, and, in truth, I’m not ready to be separated from Dan just yet. Capri is over, but now that we’re back in Amsterdam, and sure that Roxanne is going to be okay, Dan and I can start fresh. What better way to do that than to have lunch at his side with his parents?

I try to hide the annoyance that he wouldn’t automatically invite me and casually ask, “Maybe your mom would like some female company? She seemed very welcoming last time I saw her.”

Dan is taken aback by my suggestion and a look of hesitation washes over his face. I see him trying to come up with an excuse, but before he can say anything, I quickly grab his hand and say, “Let's go, we are already running late.”

He hesitates for a moment before nodding, and we ask Andries to keep us updated about Roxanne on the way out.

My brother looks haggard, washed out in a way, but he promises to keep us in the loop, not even seeming annoyed that Dan and I are leaving together. Dan glances at me a few times as we walk to the car together, eyes shining with curiosity, but I keep quiet, happy for the moment to let him ponder why I’m so insistent on going with him.

I might be falling in love with him, but that doesn’t mean I can’t still be a little mysterious when I get the chance.

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