Page 34 of Dan.

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Elise nods, and I cup her jaw, making her look at me. “Then I want you to suck me off. Right now.”

I raise myself up fully on my knees, back to the ocean, and Elise slides down and props herself up on her elbow. I’m still half erect from fucking her, but seeing how languid and willing she is has me hot, and I feel the blood rushing back to my cock. She reaches out and strokes me a few times with her free hand, head resting on her other one as she holds herself up.

I can see the rocks where we entered the hidden cove, but Elise can’t. I put my hand on her head and guide her forward until her lips are touching the blunt head of my member, her tongue snaking out and tasting me quickly. She hums in her throat, as if in approval, opening her pink, kiss-swollen lips and taking the entire head into the hot cavern of her mouth. It’s heaven, and knowing that she’s tasting herself on my cock makes it even better.

I feed my length into her mouth until I hit the back of her throat. I can see her eyes water, but she doesn’t complain, using her hand for the rest of my cock that just can’t possibly fit inside, her saliva easing the movements of her palm. She licks and sucks me as if pleasing me is her only purpose on this earth, following my cues exactly when I lay my hand on her head and show her just how I want her to pleasure me. Her eyes flutter closed, and I think the sight of her so well-pleasured, letting me fuck her mouth, will stick with me forever.

I let my moans fall from my lips freely and unabashedly. My balls tighten up against my body, my grip on Elise’s hair becoming tighter. I move her head faster with my hand, the increased pace so incredible that it feels like the breath has been sucked out of my lungs. I can’t help but close my eyes, soaking in all the sensations her mouth is giving me, but when I open them again languidly, a spike of adrenaline shoots through me like ice.

There, on the rocky path across from us, is Johan. Elise can’t see him, her back still turned in that direction, but I can see him as clear as day. He’s frozen in place, petrified, all the blood having drained from his tan face. I can’t see his expression in detail from here, but I get the feeling that he’s in shock.

Johan meets my eyes, his going even wider, if that’s possible, and he pivots on a dime, walking away so fast that it might as well have been a sprint.

Fuck yes,I think, pleasure surging through me.He saw her sucking me, and he ran. Now he knows she’s mine.

The adrenaline and knowledge that Johan caught us, mixed with Elise’s hot, perfect little mouth has me cumming again so suddenly that it catches both of us off guard. My body curls forward with the force of it, a strained, helpless noise escaping me. It’s so, so good, that it makes my vision white out for a split second.

Elise handles it better than I do, and when I can focus again, I see and feel her swallowing all my come, licking me clean before falling back with a sigh, her eyes closed and her face to the sky. She has no idea what has just occurred, and that makes it even sweeter for me.

“I think I deserve some affection after that,” she tells me, not even bothering to open her eyes. “Come hold me.”

I’m all too happy to give in to her demands now, laying flat and letting her snuggle up on me, her head pillowed on my chest. She’s almost boneless as she lays on me, soaking in the warmth from the sun and my body, letting out a contented sigh. This gives me pause because Elise knows Johan is supposed to be joining us, so why isn’t she getting up to clean herself?

I decide, kissing the top of her head, that I don’t really care what the reasoning is. She’s mine today, her skin silky as I stroke my hand up and down her back in a motion of lazy comfort as we simply enjoy each other’s presence. I feel her exhale deeply, and look down to see her eyes fluttering closed.

She’s probably a mess down there. Maybe I should have her go clean up, and I’ll go with her.

I love thinking about how Elise lets me fill her up raw every time, but this time, something else accompanies that line of thinking. I still, feeling apprehensive.

“El, are you on the pill or something? Not that I wouldn’t like having you pregnant with our child to piss off your ex even more, but…”

Now she freezes. “Shit!” she exclaims, raising herself up on her hands to look down at me. “No, um, I’ve got to take something. The risk is low, but still.”

I brush my knuckles down the side of her face. “It’s alright. We’ll go to the pharmacy later on. For now, just lay back down.”

She nods and moves to do so, but then we both hear her phone ring. Her bag is within reach, and it’s easy for her to grab the device and open the message. I have a feeling I know who it is, but it isn’t until she holds the phone up for me to see that my suspicions are confirmed.

Johan: Never mind about me joining you guys. You seemed busy. I’m heading to Ibiza tomorrow. See you at the wedding.

There’s a beat of silence where I wonder if she’s going to freak out or not, but when she doesn’t, I narrow my eyes at her, the truth hitting me hard. “You knew I fucked you for him to catch us, didn’t you?”

She shrugs, throwing the phone back in her bag. “It’s better this way. A clean break with my past.”

I’m so overcome with emotion for this woman that I feel like it’s spilling from my pores. She chose me so absolutely that she made sure Johan got a clear picture of how serious we were. She was unashamed to be seen with me and didn’t even care that he was leaving.

“I love you, El. Fuck, I do.” I grab her face in my hand and crush my mouth to hers, not even caring that she can’t say those three little words back yet. What she’s done for me is all the indication that I need about her feelings, and how strong they are.

She’s proved that she loves me beyond words, and that makes me love her even more. I didn’t think it was possible, but I do.



By the timewe make it to the pharmacy, the adrenaline of what Dan and I have done is starting to wear off. I thought that I would be mortified by what I had been willing to do to make my intentions clear to Johan after the moment had passed, but even now that I’ve had some time to sit with it I can’t make myself regret my previous decisions. They may have been devious in a way, but I’m sure that I have got my point across.

I didn’t know until Dan started to kiss me on the beach what I truly wanted, but as soon as we started making out, I was confident that it was him I wanted. Not just confident but totally sure, at least in that moment. It’s like as soon as he has his hands, and especially his mouth, on me, I lose all sense of anything else. When I’m with Dan, the thought of ever being with anyone else is absurd.

As we walk inside he takes my hand as casually as anything, linking our fingers together and absentmindedly running his thumb over my knuckle. I am so aware of everything he does–every touch, every breath. There is still salt in our hair and sand on our bodies, but it doesn’t even matter to me at the moment. Not as long as everything stays this way.

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