Page 37 of Desperate

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Gods, she couldn’t do this.

Devin understood her limits, and realized she’d passed that threshold ages ago. She should be safe back at home, pasting a fake smile on her lips as her parents spoke of this or that Alpha that Devin should give a chance. It’d be worth it to be curled up in a quilt, never worrying about the heat being on, of having to choose between electricity and water. Never once going hungry.

This wasn’t a matter of pushing through until she could get free. It wasn’t unwanted advances. She would be forced to do whatever they wanted, whenever they wanted, and for however long they wanted it.

There would be no freedom after this. Not in a properly worded two weeks’ notice, anyhow. Maybe in death or true damage. If she ran.

“Whatever you’re thinking, you should stop.”

Dark and ominous, Rey’s voice flowed over her. A crushing weight that held Devin still as he swiped a cloud soft towel over her back before settling another over her shoulders. Massive by any definition, it swallowed Devin in persimmon folds.

“Not really my color,” she mumbled at her reflection, shrugging away the towel to let it puddle at her feet.

Angling her way past the seething Alpha, she shuffled into the living room in search of her shredded clothing. It’d do her no good, but best to see the damage for herself.

“You’re dripping water on my carpet.”

Devin heaved a sigh, plucking the towel from Rey’s hand and swinging it around her shoulders. Her jeans and shirt were nowhere to be found, and neither was Beau.

“I can’t go home in a towel.”

“You’re not.” A shirt, at least three times too big, appeared at Devin’s side. The heavy cotton hung from a single finger. Waiting until Devin took it, Rey’s chest puffed up, that same finger tugging her chin up until Devin was forced to meet his eyes. “I’m going to shower. You stay here. That door doesn’t open.”

“I understand.” Making it clear, Devin shrugged into the huge t-shirt. It hung to her knees, baring one shoulder in a would be dress. Tucking her feet beneath her, she settled onto the couch. Not like she could go anywhere looking like this, either. One glance would show she wasn’t even wearing underwear.

Hearing the water turn on, deep blue eyes settled on the intimidating promise of the front door. She could run, scream and yell for help, maybe even get a phone call to Ashley. Then what?

No one back home would understand, least of all her parents. The Ice Queen, the cold fish returning to slum it with those she thought she was too good for. Persecuted for wanting more out of life, demeaned for not being happy with the status quo. As much as she loved her parents, they’d be horrified if they knew even the half of it.

“Fuck,” Devin ground out, swiping at tear-filled eyes before raking her hand through soggy curls. She had no options. None. Valedictorian, top of all her classes, too damn smart for her own good, and what did she have to show for it? Nothing but a body full of bruises and her lower half feeling like it’d been ripped apart.

“Take these.” Rey slid two round pills into her slack palm, closing Devin’s fingers over them. A glass of water held in front of her face proved he’d been there for far longer than Devin cared to think about, watching her slow decline into madness.

She didn’t ask questions. They hadn’t served her well so far. Downing the pills, she took the water and gulped it. Groaning at how good simple water tasted and felt, she drank it all in almost a single breath. It soothed the rawness from her throat, filling the barren void of her stomach enough that the ache of hunger faded enough to clear her thoughts.

At least she thought so until a grinding buzz sounded at the door. Devin clapped a hand over her mouth, screaming into her palm. Launching her body over the back of the couch, she cowered behind the substantial piece of furniture. Fear sluiced through her, freezing the blood in her veins as a multitude of dangers presented themselves to her imagination. Pure instincts drove her deeper into the shadows as the buzzer came again.

“Gods save me.” Rey shook his head with a groan, opening the door in nothing more than one of the decadent towels that covered far less of him than it did Devin.

The thought was strange, more so for the rush of anger that followed tight on its heels. Shaking her head, Devin attempted to stand. Swaying as the world slipped and whirled, she clung to the couch to remain upright as all the blood rushed from her head.

“Sit down before you pass out, girl!”

Devin couldn’t have disobeyed even if she wanted to. Knees folded, sending her crashing into the soft cushions. Bouncing along them, she landed sprawled and breathless, pale face shining with cold sweat.

Muttering, Rey dropped three large bags onto the ottoman turned table. Smells filtered through hot plastic and Styrofoam, filling Devin’s mouth with saliva. Soy sauce, onions, the unique scent of fried Chinese food. Cautious, she lifted her eyes to his in a silent plea. Her hand trembled in empty space, not daring to touch the thin plastic bags containing the luscious treasure trove of food.

“Go on.”

Devin needed no further instructions. Tearing at the plastic, rummaging through little orange and black packets, she closed in on a container. Burning her palm and fingers, she huddled around the paper box, tearing open the flaps to get at what was inside. She didn’t even bother to look for a fork in the chaos of paper napkins and mustard packets. Shoveling fried rice into her waiting mouth with two fingers, Devin made sounds that would have shamed her had she not been so intent on her task.

She’d never been this hungry. Even as her supplies dwindled down to crackers and microwave ramen, she hadn’t been this starved. The physical exertions demanded of her had added a hunger she’d never experienced before. Devin didn’t glance at the Alpha when he thumped a glass of water down by her arm. Not even when she pried open a large Styrofoam lid to expose slippery noodles with vegetables and strips of beef. He ceased to exist when she got her hands on a large cup of wonton soup, though a spoon appeared beside her on the spread plastic bag serving as her tablecloth.

Devin was stuffed to the limit and regretting her feast when she sat back against the sofa and finally took notice of the man. He’d been staring a long time, that much she knew, if by nothing more than the curious gleam in his dark eyes. She watched him in turn, wary as he rose and went into the kitchen. Rey’s lips twitched in a faint smile as he returned with a damp towel, tossing it over the chaos of containers to Devin.

“Sorry, no wet naps here.”

The joke stung. Devin’s cheeks warmed, no doubt flushing with her embarrassment as she wiped her sticky fingers. Her mouth got the same treatment, the wide circles of the towel’s path catching bits of food clinging to her cheeks and chin.
