Page 31 of Desperate

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Devin didn’t understand. Didn’t care as her back arched on his next vicious call. The fear swiped away with the feral sounds he made. She found her legs around his hips, bucking against him with impatient need as he found his way inside and fought for every hard-earned inch. Taking back what she’d thought to keep him from with deliberate violence. Making her work for it, grunting and gasping, her brow furrowed as he spread Devin to her very limits. It took an age for him to burrow deep, fill her completely. Mere seconds for him to withdraw.

She keened as he returned on a smooth, swift roll of his hips. The wet slap of skin just as exciting as their mingled scents, the feel of him so deep inside her it drove the breath from her lungs.

The way Ray moved over her was so different than before. A steady, careful rhythm that he refused to be deterred from as Devin groaned and thrashed. He filled her to the point of pain. Hammering her cervix to wrench an awful sound of glorious pleasure from her, only to leave her whining and desperate for the next.

She couldn’t call the powerful sensation crackling along every nerve ending heat. The blinding, searing pleasure was so much more. It sizzled along her skin, sparking like fireworks behind her eyes. It left her senseless and lost in a sweltering fog of the basest needs.

Devin’s nails scraped over his shoulders and back, clinging to the powerful male as he forced more pleasure from her. Grinding in at the last as she lifted her hips to open herself to him, adding delicious pressure to her clit. Sheer exultant joy snapped through her synapses.

It began slow, just as the roll of his hips. A building pressure in her belly that crackled and fizzed. Setting her skin alight as Rey’s angle shifted, his low sounds becoming more intense. More inhuman. Sucking at sweat slicked flesh, dark sounds shoved into her chest and throat, the slap of his hips came faster, harder. Feeding the burgeoning chaos in tempered measures. Driving her ever higher.

One hand closed over the softness of her breast, gripping it feather light before his finger and thumb caught her nipple in a vice. Pinching and twisting, an excruciating thrill surging down her spine to slam in the cradle of her hips. Devin’s wail echoed through the room. It rushed up towards her, the budding promise swelling, expanding so fast it stole the breath from her lungs. Perhaps it was the furious assault of Rey’s thick shaft driving so deep. She breathed in the sounds of their sex on a shaky gasp, drowning in espresso and sugar, trembling at the very edge.

It licked along her limbs, drawing the muscles tighter. A near cramp of utter bliss awaited her with just one more push over the precipice. As if he knew what waited, Rey’s tactic changed. He snarled and growled at her ear, an Alpha commanding an Omega. Primal, unable to be denied.

Devin shrieked and clawed at the twisted sheets, straining to pull her legs higher, to force it. She bucked against him, impaling herself on the slick shaft driving her mad. The muscles of her pussy worked his cock, rippling along his length. Urging him to finish, to give her the thing that her body needed. Devin’s body ached, yet he still denied her.

With a roar as vicious as an Omega could make it, she found herself above him. Their toppled bodies tangled, she showed him her teeth and snarled when he wrapped heavy hands around her hips. Dragging her knees under her, spread so wide her hips groaned, she balanced with hands on his chest. Rey grinned. It enraged her all the more, the thought forgotten the moment he drove up into her, that same grip bringing her crashing down.

Raking her nails down the Alpha’s chest, she distracted him enough to allow the control of the exchange to shift. At least the illusion of it. Devin threw her head back, wanton sounds grating from her straining throat as her ass slapped hard against his thighs. Uncaring of what she looked like, of what any of it meant, she grabbed his hand to push it to the throbbing bundle of nerves. Forcing him to touch her as she impaled herself again and again. Riding him with a furious determination, Devin drove herself towards that delicious end. Reaching for that precipice, the final fall that promised something so much more than mere pleasure.

The pressure exploded inside of her. A nuclear blast that froze her for breathless seconds as Rey pinched and twisted her clit. A whiplash of sensation shot through her, making her jostle and lurch. Each movement tugging at the tender nub still held between his fingers, grinding his thickening cock within her.

The painful stretch of his knot began. Spreading her wider, forcing tender flesh to accept him. Abused organs began to shift, moved by the ever-increasing pressure. The promised molten reward her body needed to complete the epic finish that saw her soaring through the stars dancing behind her vision.

Devin screamed more in anger than pain as Rey shoved her to the side and pulled his knot free. Dislodging her and pulling his spurting cock from the tight, contracting grip of her pussy. She sobbed with real tears as he appeared above her, rutting the large crown against the soft skin of her belly as he squeezed his knot within the tight grip of his hand. Bathing her in the stuff, its pearlescent shimmer glistening on her skin in the pale light filtering through the windows.

She crashed down from the elated sky of bliss into a lake of frigid ice. She shivered under him as Rey groaned and muttered curses against her shoulder, bruising her belly with the force of his need while he continued to come. The knuckles of his working fist marked her hip, yet more bruises for her to contend with.

Devin set her eyes firm on the ceiling and the warming glow of the sun. It’d be true day soon enough. She’d return home, wash all of this off, and maybe she wouldn’t remember how she’d begged, how she’d ridden him, how she’d demanded. Knowing it for the lie it was, Devin curled up as much as she could under Rey’s suffocating weight.

“You’re a dangerous one,” Rey said on a breathless chuckle, falling to the side. He stretched and groaned, the last of the thin clear fluid trickling from his cock to stain his thigh.

Devin shuddered and choked as the insane thought that it’d been wasted, that it should have been inside of her bounced around her skull. She had no time to prepare herself when Rey dragged her against him. Not snuggling by any means, but close enough. He pulled the disheveled sheet and blanket up around them, tugging pillows into position.

“You can sleep in.”

It was all he said before a mechanical whirring disrupted the strained silence. The room became darker, going pitch black within a few moments. Rey sighed, settling deeper into the bed.

It was much longer before Devin could stop her silent tears and lose herself in the numbness of sleep.
