Page 2 of Desperate

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“I have a degree proving it,” Devin snarled back, the jagged pulses of pain from where the rough-edged Formica dug deep and abraded tender skin loosening her tongue and anger. “How about you?”

Allen’s clawing hand found the edge of her skirt, rucking it up Devin’s thighs as he crushed her against the counter. Stunned for a moment as she realized he was, in fact, getting ready to assault her in the office kitchen during the middle of the day, she lost precious seconds. The clean lines of her skirt ruined, Allen shoved the wad of fabric to the small of her back and slapped his hand between her shoulders to bend her over. Devin inhaled deep, readying to scream as loud as she could. They couldn’t blame her for this. Not in a million years.

“What the hell?”

Greer flew back as the indignant shriek resounded through the small space, the ceiling tiles doing nothing to mute the shrill wail of words that followed. Breath leaving her lungs in a shuddering sigh, a dizzying rush of relief was enough to turn Devin’s vision gray with the curious taste of metal on her tongue before she righted herself to beam at her savior.

Thus, she placed her cheek in just the right spot for the slap that sent her spinning sideways. Clutching the counter to remain upright, Devin’s hand hovered over the brilliant crimson ache pounding through her jaw and turned wide eyes to her new assailant.

“You are a conniving little bitch! I cannot believe you would do this.” A haughty toss of frayed locks dyed an unfortunate shade of ash brown had Hannah looking down her narrow nose at Devin. With long legs spread and red-painted lip curled, she could have passed for an Alpha. “Haven’t you endangered Allen’s job enough, you whore?”

Devin sputtered, tongue wrestling with the multitude of curses and outraged sentiments fighting to get out at once. Gripping the Formica hard enough to turn her knuckles white, she lurched upright to glare at Hannah from more even ground, falling short as she always did. “What I’ve done? He’s the one that attacked me. Twice!”

“What do you expect when you go prancing around like street trash,” Hannah said with a sneer. Turning to Greer, she became all soothing smiles and placating coos as she tucked her arm in his. “It’s okay, Allen. If she tries to blame you again, I’ll tell them exactly what I saw.”

“You mean like how he had me shoved over the fucking counter and was trying to rape me,” Devin shrieked, losing whatever strained grip she had on her fury. Knowing she was becoming hysterical didn’t help her one bit. “Or maybe how he’s wearing pheromones or-or how about—”


Everyone’s shoulders rose to their ears, heads ducked in submission while the booming thunder of an Alpha’s command rung through the entire office. Not any of the managers on the floor. Devin would never be so lucky. It was Mr. Hirsch, the director for the office.

“All of you get back to work at once.” The group of onlookers gathered at the narrow mouth of the kitchen as the drama unfolded now scattered with a warning glance from their boss.

Devin wasted no time leaving, moving as fast as she could without flat-out running past the bristling Alpha and through the milling crowd continuing to disperse. Allen and Hannah would give their version of the events first, but a primal part of Devin’s brain—the one that lived long after humans left the soupy sludge of evolution—refused to deny the male’s voice still scratching down her spine.

Moments later, ensconced in her cubicle, Devin dared to breathe again. Looking at the few items scattered across the worn plastic of her desk, she wondered if she’d even need one of the printer boxes to get it all home. She’d lost her temper again and any chance of salvaging her job along with it. Tears stung her eyes as she sagged closer to the flickering monitor, fingers trembling as she began to type.

This untenable situation would be over soon, and she’d have to scramble for new employment. Rent was due in a mere two weeks, and her landlord became more impatient with her excuses with each late check. Uncertain how much longer she could maintain his goodwill, Devin would have to look for a cheaper apartment if she couldn’t find a comparable job fast enough. She could do it, though. It wouldn’t be the first time. Despite her diploma, the years spent in school busting her ass, she’d worked part-time shifts as everything from dishwasher to dog walker.

Forcing her back to straighten, Devin ground her teeth and dredged up the determination that got her this far. It would be difficult for sure. Concessions would need to be made, but she could survive this. She’d left Elmbrook Gorge with less than she had now, and somehow made it this far.

She could make it work.

Letting her breath out in a controlled sigh, her fingers swept over the keyboard with deft movements, the steady click-clack of the keys soothing in their monotonous way. The comforting rhythm lulled her as the minutes ticked past, data soaring through cables and wires to become forms and fliers. Devin ignored the quiet rustles and murmurs around her, focus so intense she lost track of time.

“Ms. Haynes, I need to speak to you in my office.”

Devin’s shoulders hunched towards her ears as the coarse rumble of her boss’ voice flowed through the tiny cubicle. It dispersed the calm she’d acquired over the past several hours, the dark arches of her brows coming together as she noted the time. Turning in a slow semi-circle with her chair, she smoothed the clammy sweat from her palms as she stood and followed the black-suited Alpha. Of course, they would wait until the end of day to fire her.

“Mr. Hirsch, I can explain this morning—”

“Please close the door and sit down, Ms. Haynes,” Mr. Hirsch said as he settled his bulk behind the broad oak desk dominating the office. The leather chair groaned beneath his weight as he leaned back in it, steepling his fingers as he watched Devin do as she was told.

The click of the latch seemed like a death sentence to Devin. Sitting with exaggerated care in the uncomfortable, straight-backed chair before the desk, Devin tried to calm her fraying nerves. Hands clasped in a strangling knot upon her lap, she took care not to meet the Alpha’s penetrating gaze as he let the silence stretch on into unnerving, flying past uncomfortable within the span of one trembling heartbeat. Maybe she could still salvage it all if she acted submissive and demure, held her tongue and didn’t lose her temper... again.

“Your behavior of late has been nothing if not disruptive, Ms. Haynes.” Hirsch held up a hand to silence Devin when she took a breath, stalling any apologies or excuses she might try to make. “And not only with Greer. There have been multiple complaints against you.”

“What,” Devin asked in a breathy whisper. Her brow furrowed as she tried to make sense of what Hirsch was telling her. Sure, she might have had difficulties with others, but no more than anyone else might. Fighting for time with the massive printers, rushing from the office for their scant half-hour for lunch. All the minor incidents where someone gave her a dirty look or snarled a curse at her came bubbling up in her memory. How many times had they reported her?

“This is the last time I can smooth things over for you, young lady,” Hirsch said in a quiet rumble, leaning forward with elbows propped on the gleaming wood. Tapping his index fingers against his lips, he stared with an intensity that made Devin squirm. “The entire floor saw your spectacle and heard what Allen and Hannah said happened.”

“I-I didn’t know that you… I am very sorry, Mr. Hirsch, but—”

“Eric, please.”

“Um… Mr. Hirsch, I don’t—”

“While your work has always been impeccable, I believe your time in our firm has come to an end, Devin.” Hirsch leaned back in his chair, the casual arrogance of his posture leaving no room for questions or pleas.
