Page 91 of Brave

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Daddy managed not to giggle but it was a close call.

As we finished coming around the corner, we both looked wonderfully innocent and so pretty Austin had to stop glaring. “There you are. We’re all ready now. You look so cute.”

“Thank you.” Deciding to be sweet first, I kissed his cheek and gave him the wide eyes he’d taught me. “Daddy makes very good breakfasts. Can he help?”

We weren’t supposed to know about the caterers who were in the backyard, so I played dumb.

Austin scrunched up his face. “In just a few minutes, I promise. But we have one thing to do first.”

“What?” I looked down and did a little twirl. “I look so cute. Are we having a tea party?”

He was wearing a beaming smile as I turned around. “No, it’s going to be even better.”

What was better than a tea party?


A wedding.

“Definitely better than a tea party.” Daddy looked around at the yard and all the decorations and shook his head. “I forgot he owned this house.”

Austin owned everything, so it shouldn’t have surprised me that he owned the house behind his or that he’d put in a pretty gate between the two of them. “Who’s getting married, Daddy?”

I was really hoping it wasn’t us because I kind of wanted to pick out my own decorations, but I wouldn’t complain either way. Austin had very good taste and it was picture perfect even though there were only a handful of guests wandering around.


Were they from the club?

A chuckle coming from the gate between the yards had us turning and looking at a beaming Shane and a slightly confused Tanner. His eyes were very wide, so we looked at Shane, who seemed very proud of himself. “We are.”

Oh, thank goodness.

I wanted yellow as one of my colors.

The dark blue and gray that decorated the yard was perfect for Tanner and Shane, though.

“Congratulations.” I wasn’t sure what else to say, but as Tanner came back to life, he moved toward me and gave me a hug.

“Thank you.” Leaning closer, he whispered as he kept hugging me. “And welcome to our family. I’m very sorry my careless words kept you from joining us sooner.”

“It’s okay.” Hugging him back, I wasn’t sure there was a way to explain what was going through my head.

I wouldn’t have been ready before.

“I needed to find my bravery and my Daddy first.” Giving his cheek a kiss as he finally pulled away, looking lighter now, I smiled. “And Austin took very good care of me. I had a family. It was just a small one until now.”

Family didn’t have to be big to be special.

“Not anymore.” Kissing my cheek one last time, Tanner straightened. “Come on. Let’s go find Mama Austin.”

Trying not to giggle, I nodded. “Does that make you Uncle Tanner?”

Tanner groaned as Shane giggled, but Daddy’s smile said he thought it was perfect.

Because Daddy loved me and he always thought I was perfect because I was his brave boy…and now I was a brave boy with a big family and a wonderful Daddy.

