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I'll admit it.

I didn't stop by Juniper's place because I wanted to drink with her. I wanted to ... well, I wantedher, with or without the beer.

Miguel and I were both back at our place. We spent some time with Leia, helping her finish her homework. The girl had a good mind. I hoped Reed and her would be on the same page someday.

With Leia off to bed, Miguel looked through the window at the light shining in Juniper's living room.

"I can't stop thinking about her," he grunted frustratedly. "I'm supposed to be the sanest of the lot. Skipper's always had his heart on his sleeve. We both know that. And you—no offense, but you're basically mooning over her like a lovesick pup. But I should just be focused on our job."


"But all I can think of is going over there and, well. Y'know."

I did know.

"Do you think Reed will be okay?"

There was an unspoken, shared sentiment between us on the topic of our captain. We weren't in the SEALs any longer, but he would always be the anchor to our ships. And we knew how hard he'd fought with his own demons. The first month, the three of us hunkered down in the living room while we got the other rooms ready. Reed was the only one who screamed through his sleep. His night terrors grew worse.

He'd sit up, scream like someone was pricking him with a thousand needles, and break out into a heavy sweat. When we finally got him to go back to sleep, he'd wake up the next morning with no recollection of anything.

We lived with trauma like it was a crutch we'd just become used to. But Reed? I was afraid because on some days, it was as if he fell back on his symptoms like heneededthem. I remembered one conversation like it was yesterday.

He'd told me he couldn't imagine his life without all the pain and hurt because that would mean nothing else was left. On such days, Reed couldn't come into the light. Hedefinedhimself with his darkness.

And Juniper kind of felt like the only girl who could show him it could be different. Finally, I shrugged and picked up some beers. "Let's go over. I have a feeling she isn't alone."

Miguel nodded, his face lighting up like he was a kid about to enter a candy shop.

We walked to her place. I knew Miguel was fighting an internal battle too. He would never show it, but Juniper had touched him. He'd still do right by his duty, but it would cut him up really bad to see her be—well, what Hunter said she was.

The door opened, and Cap looked out at the two of us, a goofy grin on his face. His shirt was buttoned all wrong and his hair looked disheveled.


Miguel caught on faster than me and bared his teeth. "What have we been missing, Skipper?"

"A lot," he replied. "But first, I need some beer."

We stepped inside. And Juniper was sitting on the kitchen table in nothing. I mean nothing.

God almighty, this girl could turn me on just by looking at me with those eyes of hers. I heard Miguel intake a sharp breath beside me.

"Hey there," she said, a fire of a smile on her plump lips.

Miguel strolled up to her and planted a smacking kiss on her mouth. She tilted her head upward and wrapped her legs around him, pulling him closer to her.

I handed Cap a beer and chuckled. "If only all evenings could be like this."

Something flashed in his eyes. It looked a lot like regret—and I got where this was coming from. But in my head, I'd somehow convinced myself Juniper wasn't the bad seed. She'd made a mistake somewhere, and I felt she would talk about it. Not tonight, but soon. I didn't know how that would happen.

Right now, I didn't want to think about it either.

Miguel kissed her harder and wrapped his hands around her throat, making her moan. He released her with a bite that would leave a mark. She reached backward and her fingers inched toward his trousers, deftly undoing any restraints between her and his cock.

As soon as he was out, she pulled him to her and snaked her long legs around him until he was buried deep inside her folds, fucking her hard.

"Oh, yes, give it to me!" she cried, quickly unbuttoning his shirt as he continued pounding into her. He almost picked her off the table as he drove his cock inside her.
