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The town, sweltering in the throes of a relentless summer and gossip, did not stop to think whether the estranged son had anything to do with his father's sudden departure to Inferno.

He had no chance of making it to the White Gates of Heaven. He could project all he wanted, but in the end, he was as devilish as the rest of us, everyone in the cursed Montgomery line.

No amount of redemptioncould have saved him a seat among the angels. If anything, I'd actually done the innocents a favor.

I liked to do favors. Most of all, I liked to show women they were born stupid. Carla sat in a chair behind me, her face still ashen. She couldn't wrap her head around what I'd done.

"Carla," I said, my back still turned to her. "If you have any issues with me, you can take it up with my lawyers."

"Why did you do this?" she asked once again.

I was getting a little annoyed. I couldn't possibly give her the real reason—it was far too simple for her.

Women usually liked complicated analyses behind every tiny thing happening in their lives.

From why their coffee tasted bitter to why their husbands had forgotten to call in the middle of a hundred other tasks, nothing made them happy.

I could give her the truth, but I would be wasting my time.

"I told you I would speak with your bank and handle the overcharges. I know there was an excess, and I apologize. I needed the advance to settle some dues with my employees."

"You spent four thousand dollars, Hunter. I have nothing left."

Not my problem. She should have been more careful with sharing her credit card info with a man she'd met on Tinder not one week ago.But then again, it was very hard to resist my charms. I knew how to talk, walk, and swindle.

Just like Mandalorians couldn't live without their weapons, I couldn't live without swindling. That was why I did it. It made me feelalive.

It was fucking amazing watching people grovel at my feet because they were entirely at my mercy. Each time I did it, it was like I was playing a new video game.

And I had to be pretty strategic. Women liked it when you showed emotions, but too much and they'd bolt. You have to have the right display of everything—vulnerability, boyish charm, and a display that says the world has done a criminal injustice by you.

To Carla, I had been a man on the wrong end of a scam that had cost me a pretty penny and left me with nothing. Once she was in it, and by that, I meant once she'd totally surrendered to my mind games and my cock, I told her I needed her tosaveme.

Oh, and she lapped it up like a poodle. Women had this obsession with playing saviors. They loved thinking they could jump in and fix broken parts of something and make it whole again.

Then they'd get to tell themselves and the world, "Look, he's wholebecauseof me.I did that."

No, bitch, you didn't.

You can't fix what you don't understand.

So, if anything, this was all on her. I maintained my stance but pointed a hand at the door. "We can talk about this later. I have a busy day ahead. Please leave. Or security will show you out."

After a minute, I heard the click of her heels on the marble floor. "One day, you're going to meet someone who plays you at your own game. That is my only wish for you."

I almost barked a laugh, but I gave her the courtesy of leaving the room with the last shred of dignity she had left.No onewould play me at this game.

There weren't even any eager learners. I'd fancy a disciple, someone I could take under my wing and teach. But the world had stopped producing risk-takers. It was all aboutsecuritynow.

I clicked my middle finger and thumb.

A second later, Clive, my personal assistant and manager of all my dirty laundry, appeared. He was a thin man with an even thinner set of lips. "Sir."

"Any updates fromTrojan?"

"I have them on the line," he replied monotonously. I turned around and scanned his face.

It was impassive as ever, but I liked that about him. Even the most unpredictable players needed someone predictable to rely on.

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