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"World Peace," he replied, chuckling, "for detonating a ticking teenage time bomb."

I laughed. "Come on, I'll show you how to make a Sunday roast that'll keep Leia at home."

Once the apron came on, I was in my element. "Let's start with the veggies. Get busy on these potatoes and carrots."

Reed laughed. "You seriously don't trust me to do much else, do you?"

I waved a drumstick at him. "Hey, I'm the boss here."

He came up behind me and kissed the bare skin beneath my neck, sending a shiver up my spine. "You sure are."

I watched him as I prepped the chicken the way my mama had taught me. Butter under the skin, generous seasoning, lots of lemon and paprika. She loved to add a bit of brown sugar at the very end for that perfect blend of sweet and savory.

"The food isn't even ready, and this place already smells divine. I'm almost convinced you're a witch."

I giggled. "A kitchen witch."

His hands came up around my waist. His breath was hot on my shoulders.

In my anticipation, I went too heavy on the pepper shaker, and a fierce shake later, both Reed and I began sneezing.

Thankfully, nothing got on the food. "Okay, you're going to wait until I get this in," I said, my eyes watering from trying to control my laughter and the intense smoke of pepper dust.

He nodded like a sheepish kid, and we got through prep, finally putting the bird in to roast with the veggies.

Reed promised that slicing through them made him feel more like a man than any mission ever had.

We spent the next thirty-five minutes talking about everything under the sun. I told him about my mama and growing up with her, how I used to be a little terror at school, and the one hurricane that taught me nothing in the world mattered as much as she did.

When the chicken finally came out, all golden brown and redolent with juices, he inhaled deeply. I cut him a small slice.

He took a bite, and the expression on his face told me we'd done a great job.

"Oh, my heavens, it's so moist and flavorful! I hate that word, by the way. Whoever says moist deserves time in a penitentiary, but God, I'd go there for this."

I had to agree. The top skin had crisped up beautifully, and it cracked under my teeth, bursting into a complex, savory profile of juices.

The vegetables had cooked perfectly, their subtle sweetness in symphony with the robust meat.

Reed leaned in for a kiss, and our lips met in a fiery embrace. "Thank you for teaching me how to do this."

"You've been a good student," I replied, going to the sink to wash my hands. "Want to call the boys over for a bite? Is Leia at home? All of y'all can come!"

Reed shook his head. "Leia's gone to a friend's to study for the night, but I'm thinkin' of taking her a slice if that's okay with you?"

"That's peachy with me, Reed," I said, turning my back to him for just a second. "I adore feeding people. That's my biggest love language."

"Speaking of love languages..."

"Hmm?" I faced him once again, a carrot stick in my hand.

"Have you... d'you... would you..."

Okay, he was cute when he sounded this out of his depth. He opened and closed his mouth again and again, and his eyes grew progressively more anxious.

"What is it?" I smiled. "You can tell me."

"I'd totally like to share what we have—not the food, you and I—with Miguel and Asher, but I don't want you to be uncomfortable, and this is your decision, but it could be great, and I don't know what the hell I'm saying."

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