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All the while, my heart only rang with one siren call.

It should have been me.

I was the commander, and I let my men die.

The voice echoed all the way back to the command base, its ring growing harsher and harsher.

I did not stop to rest once we landed. Instead, I made my way to Neptune, my rage threatening to spill out of me like vomit.

"What was that?" I shouted at him. "Why didn't you let us neutralize the one person we needed to?"

He studied my face quizzically. "Your op was to rescue the Secretary of Defense and his team."

"But," I spluttered. "How—we didn't even—he'll keep doing this, Neptune!"

"Then you'll be called to duty again. Consider that fortunate after the pitiful performance you showed today."


He raised his hand to silence me.

"You let your emotions get in the way and tampered with the efficacy of our mission. Disappointing, given your stellar track record until now. You may leave, Smith."

He turned his back to me. I was dismissed.

I walked out of the room, my whole body numb.

Paladin and Thunder were standing outside, streaks of tears and dirt on their faces.

"That shouldn't have happened, Reed."

I stared at them. We'd always been four.

Paladin,the name we gave to Asher. The heartiest among us. We called him Hard Charger because of what he'd do for the team.

Thunder.Miguel Sanchez. He was the calmest of the lot, although right now, he looked poised to kill.

Falcon.Cole Spencer. My best friend. Our best friend.

I'd be the one telling his wife and children I'd let him down.

That was the second I knew. I'd get to the bottom of why the commanding unit did not want us to pursue Omar.

But I'd do it on my own fucking terms.

I squared my shoulders.

"Remember how we talked about setting up our own detective agency before we'd become non-operational?"

They met the golden fire in my eyes with steely determination in their own. "Aye."

"Green Light."

About thirty-four days and countless hours of paperwork later,Trident Investigationswas born.

We set up our office, our hearts still cold, numb, and ravaged by misplaced faith.

The reminder of what we aimed for hung on the front door of our little space.

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