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Reed: A Letter to My Son

Agent Phoenix,

The day your sister was born, I couldn't be there. I was in a foreign land, trying to make sure the country that was my home would be safe.

One day, a time will come when you will read this letter. And you may have to make a lot of tough decisions. Maybe they'll be tougher than what I had to do. I went in, guns blazing, a heart full of fire and a head full of dreams.

My purpose defined me, even when I was all but eighteen. And when I became a SEAL, I knew only one truth—you live your best when you live for others.

You will have sunrises and storms, and we will do our best to raise you to weather all of it.

A time will come when you'll need to make the most difficult of decisions, and in that moment, you could be torn between the desire to follow your heart or to submit to logic.

I can tell you it doesn't have to be a war. When you ask your heart, when you reach in and truly question it, you will seldom find it is ever leading you into darkness. In fact, it will likely be waiting for you—to tell you that it is, above all, the singular thing that will always propel you to the light.

One day, you will find a greater love, the kind that will humble and undo everything that you become and make life infinitely more precious. My son, I hope that when it happens, it is every bit as magical as the day I met your mother.

And again and again, you will have one lesson retold to you.

Life's best, sweetest moments are always shared.

The world's greatest joys are not solitary triumphs but shared moments of connection.

P.S. your mother is dead set against your having a SEAL name, but this can be our little secret.

Welcome to the family, Frogman Phoenix.

The world is crazy beautiful and scary.

You're going to love every darn second of it.

Signing off,


Thank you for reading SEAL Daddies Next Door. I hope you enjoyed it.Check out the entire reverse harem series here.



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My story with these hot men might have looked like a fairytale.

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