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I fiddled with the drive in my hands. This was the reason I'd called the boys over too. We could go over the contents together before submitting it to the station. And then, I'd call Harold's lawyer.

It finally felt like the clouds hovering over my life were drifting, albeit at a snail's pace.

Reed's hand on my back caught me unawares, and in my attempt to turn around, my bag fell to the floor.

I hadn't bothered with pulling the chain since I was listening to the recording, and a sheaf of neatly arranged papers slipped out.

Before I could scramble to get them, he had leaned down, and the first thing—the first glaring testimony in front of his eyes—was my pregnancy report.

He stood, suspended in that half-crouched motion, for what felt like an age. And then, he picked up the papers and handed them to me, his face guarded.


"Were you ... when were you going to tell us?" he asked quietly.

Asher and Miguel exchanged a quick glance. They hadn't seen the papers yet.

I felt something primal stirring inside me. Hell no. This wasmybaby first.Igot to decide when others would get to know. Especially others who were still redeeming themselves.

"What's going on?" Asher asked, his brows knit.

"I'm pregnant," I replied tersely. "And before you ask, I don't know which of you is the father. I'm good with not knowing."

"How long have you known, Juniper?" Reed asked. His eyes looked guarded, wary.

A sinking feeling hit my stomach. Did he not... maybe he didn't want to do this all over again. But I refused to let it get to me.

"I've known for a while. I had my reasons not to share it until I felt ready."

"Care to share some of them?"

"Are you kidding me?" I sputtered. "After everything we've gone through, you seriously expect me to be all open and trusting right from the onset?

“Guys, I love you, and I'm willing to work on our relationship, but NO. You can't push me. You can't make me decide my timelines—not when this whole thing is a work in progress!"

"Juniper, we—"

"What did you think?" I kept talking now, not willing to hear them say or explain anything anymore. I'd had enough.

"That you could just waltz back, and I'd trust you the same way as before?

“I know you've come from issues, but does that mean you get to stand in front of me and keep pushing me into a shithole where I need to keep questioning everything I do?

“The reason I didn't say anything was because I wasn't ready. I'm sorry if that's not good enough for you guys."

"Juniper, please ..."

I didn't wait any longer. I simply bundled up the reports and tossed the drive at Reed, who caught it, surprise and dismay on his face. I couldn't tell what else he'd expected.

"Take that damn drive, and I hope whatever you find in it makes you realize the hell I went through, damn you."

I pushed past the three of them, past curious gazes, and out into the street. I wanted to go home to see my mama.

Now that the hurricane was over, I needed to be there to see if I could help with some of the repairs at our house.

Anything to take my mind away from all of this.

Rubbing my tears, I began walking. I was fuming internally, completely and utterly overcome by the urge to punch Reed and show him how unreasonable he was being.

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