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I laughed and pulled Leia close. "You're amazing, Leia. Never forget it."

"I won't," she replied, her voice muffled.

The sound of another window crashing broke the moment. Loud thumps sounded on the door, increasing my inner disquiet.

Was it a person, or was it the storm trying to break through?

This place was becoming unsafe. I could stay in the home, but with Leia and my little light inside me, I didn't feel I was doing a good job of keeping any of us safe.

There was a church just five minutes away from here. All I'd need to do was get there.

The realization hit me like a bolt of lightning—escaping the house was our only option. Instinctively, I knew we had to move, and we had to do it now.

I gathered my bag and handed Leia my spare set of waterproof outerwear. "You'll find a set of boots in the shoe cabinet," I urged her.

"Get ready. We're going to go to the church, okay? It's the safest option. Take these." I handed a pair of safety goggles to her. "Stay close to me."

While she got ready, I double-checked everything in my bag. The wind was pounding on the front door as I pushed a couple of spare batteries in. "Now, Leia," I urged, my voice laced with urgency.

Together, we sprinted out through the rear exit at the back of the house, the storm raging around us, rain lashing at our faces, and the wind tugging at our every step.

I could have sworn I heard the front door burst open. I held Leia's hand, and we ran.

The world outside was a chaotic blur, but we pushed forward, driven by the primal instinct to find shelter and safety.

Through the thick sheets of rain, I spotted our local church on the horizon. Its damaged façade stood as a beacon of hope. Determination fueled my every stride as we navigated the treacherous street, debris swirling around us.

We reached the church's entrance, breathless and drenched, only to discover that the tempest had not spared its sacred walls. But it still offered some semblance of refuge, and that was enough.

Without hesitation, we pushed open the heavy doors and stepped inside.

Inside, a group of scared and weary people huddled together, seeking solace from the storm's relentless assault. I didn't bother considering whether they'd judge me. Now wasn't the time.

We joined them, finding comfort in their presence. Uncertainty hung in the air, but somehow, there was no animosity.

Leia clung to my side, her eyes reflecting her inner state. "Junie, what do we do now?" she whispered, her voice trembling.

Squeezing her hand reassuringly, I replied, "We stay together."

Suddenly, a series of loud bangs echoed through the church, causing everyone to jump and freeze in place.

The sound sent a shiver down my spine, intensifying the already palpable fear in the room. We exchanged alarmed looks, silently questioning who could be outside, braving the wrath of the hurricane.

Before we could react, the door burst open, unleashing a gust of wind and rain into the sanctuary.

Two imposing figures loomed in the doorway, their presence suffused with a menacing aura. They were both tall, with broad shoulders and an air of danger emanating from them.

One had a shaved head, displaying an array of intimidating tattoos that snaked up his neck and disappeared beneath his sleeve.

The other had a scar that traversed his cheek that matched the hardened lines of his face.

They stood there, armed and ready, their eyes scanning the room with cold determination.

In a voice as chilling as the storm outside, one of them spoke, his words dripping with threat.

"We're not here for any of you," he sneered, his gaze sweeping across the terrified group until it landed onme.

"Except you, Juniper Davis. Don't play hard to get. We've been following you all the way here. Surrender, and these people won't have to die."

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