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"I'd watch her regardless of the time," she replied, turning adoring eyes at my daughter, who hugged her. "I've missed you," she whispered into her hair.

"Please don't leave us like that again, Junie," Leia replied. I couldn't stand there a second longer. I turned around.


Juniper's voice followed me like the afterglow of jasmines on a heady summer evening. "I will take care of her."

* * *

The Honda Accord'stires screeched as we sped through the deserted streets of Oakmont. The wind began howling, and soon, rain slammed into the windshield, making it difficult to see.

"What's going on, Skipper? Isn't this supposed to happen on Monday?"

"Check Twitter and see if we have any updates from the local gov," I replied tensely.

Sure enough, Paladin found #hurricanepandora and #unexpectedlandfall trending across Twitter and Facebook.

"The mayor has declared a state of emergency in the city, activating emergency response protocols and mobilizing resources to ensure the safety and well-being of residents," he read. "He's called a curfew and asked for emergency shelters to be opened up, Reed. This is not good."

Understatement of the fucking century.But we were two hours away from home, and Leia was with Juniper. Somehow, I knew she would be safe. Letting Hunter go would mean giving him a chance to escape. I couldn't do that.

"Orders, Captain?"

"We move as scheduled," I replied through gritted teeth.

Every last inch of the sky was dark and ominous, and it was clear that the hurricane was fast approaching.

When we finally reached the location on the outskirts of Oakmont, it was a completely empty warehouse. We stood before the towering, decrepit, weather-worn façade as rain lashed down upon us as if nature itself was warning us to turn back.

Miguel squinted, his voice barely audible above the storm. "Are you sure this is the place, Reed?"

I nodded, my eyes fixed on the boarded-up windows. "This is the address Hunter gave us. It has to be."

Asher shifted uneasily, his gaze darting around the desolate surroundings. "I don't like this, guys. Feels like we're walking right into a trap."

The sound of thunder rolled in the distance, accentuating our growing unease. I tightened my grip on my gun, trying to quell the rising sense of dread. "We have to check it out. Hunter could be hiding inside."

With trepidation, we pushed open the rusted door, revealing a dimly lit interior. The rain pelted against the roof, creating an eerie rhythm that matched the pounding of our hearts.

Miguel's voice quavered as he stepped forward, his flashlight piercing the darkness. "This place gives me the creeps."

Asher nodded, his gaze scanning the eerie surroundings. "I can't shake the feeling that we're being watched, guys."

Suddenly, the flickering glow of a laptop caught our attention. As we approached, the video on the screen came into view—a clown repeatedly saying, "got your nose."

I couldn't help but shiver as an unsettling chill ran down my spine. "This is definitely a trap. Hunter knew we would come here and wants to keep us distracted."

Miguel's eyes widened as a dreadful realization hit all three of us. "If we're here, then Juniper and Leia are in danger!"

We rushed back to the car and piled in, each of us visibly tense. As we started to drive away, the wind picked up even more, and rain began to fall in sheets.

"We're not going to make it back to Juniper in this," Asher shouted over the noise of the storm.

"I know," I replied, my voice barely audible above the wind. "We'll have to find somewhere to wait it out."

We drove for what felt like hours, the wind and rain battering the car relentlessly. Trees were falling around us, and the road was starting to flood.

"Shit, the engine's starting to make a strange noise," Miguel yelled, panic in his voice.

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